Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Bit of Rambling on a Wednesday Morning Because I Don't Feel Wordless!

I'm taking a break from cleaning for a few minutes. Outside my window the squirrels are playing tag around one of the big oak trees. The oak tree in my backyard is so tall, I still have to look up into the branches from my second floor office window.

While cleaning, my little kiddles were talking about their birthdays which led to talk of Farm Girl Days which lead to talk of Fall which led to Christmas! Now I'm listening to A Partridge in a Pear Tree. I wonder if I'll ever memorize the order of the maids a milking, lords a leaping, and nine ladies dancing?

I'm also eating a decadent snack, a fudge brownie with fudge frosting with a very virtuous glass of iced water. I'll be back to the kitchen in just a bit. I have a lot of vegetables from the garden, ours and friends' that are crying to be put up somehow. I think I'll try some zucchini bread as I have lots of squash. I have lots of cucumbers and tomatoes and green peppers as well. I also want to sort yet more things for what I hope will be my last yard sale this year. I have a dear friend Sherry who is having her Last Rummage Sale. She's moved to the country and is having it at the town house before it's all final.

Please notice my new recipe listing in the sidebar to see a little of what happens in my kitchen.

Abundantly Blessed


  1. All those days will be here before we know it! Yours sounds busy, a good busy.

  2. Laura,
    I love the recipe sidebar. I cook from scratch, so I am always looking for new things to try. Thanks.


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor