Friday, June 14, 2024

The Firing Squad ~ Coming to Theaters in August

     The Firing Squad is a powerful movie. I did not think that I was the target for this film, since I'm already a Christian. But God. Holy Spirit spoke to me during and after the film.
  • I was reminded of how many unsaved people feel about Jesus, Christians, love, and God. I needed that. 
  • I was struck by the peace that the pastor had in the face of death.
  • I was impressed by the absolute faith I witnessed in the converts.
  • I was astonished at just how quickly the believers grew spiritually without outside distractions including television, internet, phones and such. 
  • I was reminded that others are watching me and how I respond to situations.
  • It left me thinking introspectively about my own faith. I want my faith to grow deeper and richer. I want to find my voice and speak to others about Jesus as Holy Spirit leads. I suppose I want Holy Spirit to fill me further and flow out of me.
     Because Firing Squad is based on a true story, the impact is exponential. Here are some thoughts:
  • I don't remember any profanity or explicit anything in the film. I'm very sensitive to that kind of thing, so I do notice.
  • Although not all of the actors were professionals, the story and the main characters carried it. 
  • No one is beyond redemption by Jesus Christ.
  • God can reach a person anywhere.
  • I found it gave the gospel clearly. 
  • I think it will be an awesome tool in prison ministry.

The Highlights:

  • It is based on a TRUE STORY that happened just a few years ago (2015). “They faced death. And chose life.”
  • Starring James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo (“God’s Not Dead”, “Let There Be Light”), and Cuba Gooding, Jr.
  • Premiers in up to 2,500 theatres as early as August 2024 across the nation
  • The filmmakers have been supported by Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Calvary Chapel, Pastor Greg Laurie, NACC, Baptist Press, Christian Cinema, NRB, Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries, The Christian Post, The Fish Radio, Rebecca St. James, Family Christian, Lifeway Christian Resources, Talbot Seminary, Biola University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Baptist News, Daystar TV, Evangelical Press Assn, Life Surge, et al.
  • Supported by the Marketing Teams behind 'The Passion of the Christ', 'Son of God', 'Sound of Freedom'

Go to their websiteThere's information about the movie and it's spritual impact, on how you can invest and help this film come to box offices in August. They are also planning some free screenings around the country. Find out if they have one near you.

#thefiringsquad #christianfilm #summerblockbuster #movienight

Disclosure:  Many thanks to Front Gate Media for providing a sample of the product for this review.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a great movie and one we would all be impacted by seeing it. Thanks for the review.


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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!