Monday, October 8, 2012

Christmas in Connecticut and Carthage!

Thursday evening I was home alone.  That almost never happens with four kids and a husband.  I turned on the old classic "Christmas in Connecticut".  I've watched it so many times, I can just listen and it plays in my mind. ~smile~  I made a batch of sugar cookies, wrote a review, and just enjoyed myself. 
I've been listening to Christmas music since July!  I love the peacefulness and how it points my attention to my Jesus.  For me, Christmas is not about Jesus as a baby, though I know we spend nearly a month reading The Advent Book each evening.

It's a beautifully illustrated book of scriptures that tell the story of Jesus' birth.  I bought it many years ago when my family had to live in a hotel for 6 weeks during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  We created a new tradition.  Each night, from December 1st until the 25th, we read the book as a family.  On the first we read the book up through the first door, the thirteenth we read up through the thirteenth door and so on.  The story is reinforced in the children's minds and in ours as we spend a few minutes reading each night.  It's our most valued Christmas possession.

All this to say, though I thoroughly enjoy Autumn, it is well past time to be thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas menus, and planning gifts.  Have you been thinking about it yet?  Perhaps that should be on our to-do lists this week.  The more we think and plan and do ahead, the more we can enjoy the holiday season ourselves.

Blessings to you from Harvest Lane Cottage!

May I suggest?

Wrapping Up Christmas Peaches and Salt 

1 comment:

  1. "Christmas in Connecticut" is one of my favorite Christmas movies! I love all the classics from the 40's. We love listening to Christmas music all year, too. My oldest daughter was born on Christmas Day and I listened to Christmas music the whole 30 hours I was in labor. =0)

    Yes, I'm thinking of the holidays. This is my favorite time of year and it seems to go so quickly!


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane