Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Little Randomness ~ 2017


January 2017

Wow! What to say about 2017?

It started out like pretty much any other year.

In April, everything went sideways when I found the lump.

In May, we celebrated our thirty-first anniversary in the chemo room as I received my first round of chemo.

In September, I finished chemo. I would follow up with another chemo drug every three months for months.

In October, I had a bilateral mastectomy with implants.

Radiation would start the next year.

Much of my year was dominated by my breast cancer and its treatment. I think that I'll write about that one day. You'll find much written about it already in my blog starting in May of 2017 if you're interested.

Many decisions had to be made early on. Although many things lost their importance to me. I chose to trust God. Jesus healed everyone who came to him. I chose to believe good of God and that He is my healer, live or die. 

God was gracious to remind me early that it rains on the just and the unjust. Therefore, I didn't go through the questioning, the whys. I knew God would take me through it. 

I don't really want to write anything more about it right now. Someday....

If you're in your breast cancer fight, and you want to "talk" or you want prayer, use my contact form at the side. In fact, if anyone wants prayer, please contact me. I believe one of the reasons that I recovered and made it through so well was the love and prayer that was extended to and for me.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Winter Reading List ~ 2025

Winter Reading List 2025

 It's busy busy around here. I'm not putting up photos or links this time. I thought you might still like to see what I'm reading and/or planning to read in the next couple of months. 

Currently Reading:

  • The Old Testament as far as I can get
  • Trim Healthy Mama Plan
  • Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
  • Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Western Heritage: A Reader by Hillsdale College  
  • Second Time Around by Melody Carlson
  • The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain

Planning to Read:
  • The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep
  • Waverly by Sir Walter Scott


  • Paradise Lost by Jon Milton ~ See my review.
  • The Christmas Tree Farm by Melody Carlson
  • The Truth in Tiramisu by Rachel Bloome 
  • A Guilded Age Getaway by Stephenia McGee  
  • The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge 
  • From Heaven by A.W. Tozer 
  • The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Conundrum of Coach 13 by John Taylor
  • The Winter Ghosts by Kate Moss
  • The 10:59 Assassin by Jon Milton

This is a very ambitious list. I know that I won't finish it all. I don't have massive time for reading; so, I like to listen to audiobooks while I do other things... like knitting!

So, I encourage you, make a list and check it twice. Then, snatch read if you must, but do read or listen to some good books this winter. Use your minutes!

Count your blessings!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Homeschooling Myself ~ Paradise Lost ~ John Milton

      Oh my! How does one review a book like Paradise Lost?

     I guess one might say that it's epic. ~smile~ Interestingly enough, I have never read Paradise Lost. I took Brit Lit in high school and majored in English in college. I cannot remember it ever being assigned. Who knows why?

Paradise Lost
John Milton

     Paradise Lost begins with Satan addressing the other fallen angels, chronicles the creation of sky, earth, animals, and man, then describes life in Eden, the conversations between God and man, between the the arch angel Rafael and man, and finally the fall, and the results from the fall.

     One phrase that stuck with me is that God created man sufficient to stand and free to fall.

     It is a highly imagined, dare I say fantasized, story expounding upon a few short verses in the Bible. It is how Milton thought it all could have come about. 

     It is obvious that Milton knew his Bible. It is also obvious that he had meditated on the scriptures in great depth. While there are no doubt inaccuracies in the poem, it has greatly influence church culture.

     I read this book as part of Hillsdale College's free course on Paradise Lost. I don't think that I would have understood nearly as much without the course; because, it's sometimes hard to follow the narrative, and frankly, it is a bit boring in places.

Google Hillsdale College for the course if you'd like. I'm enjoying the courses I've taken for free. I started with A Christmas Carol, then Paradise Lost; and now, I'm studying Western Heritage from Genesis to John Locke. 

     This year, I am continuing my education. At 59, I don't care about credits or grades. This way of learning is stirring a passion for academia that has been dormant for many, many years. It feels good. 

How and what are you learning?

...homeschooling myself on a short shoestring budget!