Friday, July 26, 2024

Thrifty Things Lately ~ July 26, 2024


Welcome to another thrifty week at Harvest Lane Cottage. I am glad you've found me! Each week I will share my thrifty and frugal projects, ways of saving money, and my blessings from God. 

Here's my thrifty week:

  • My Lowell has caught the thrifty bug! After pricing tomato stakes and cages at the farm store, he came home and used things he found about the house and shed: 3 hotdog poles, a pitchfork he wasn't using, an old hoe with a loose head, and some rebar! Total expenditure zero! Make it do!

  • We bought strawberries, peaches, and apples on sale.

    • I manicured my nails using polishes I've had quite awhile. The OPI nail strengthener and polishes go on smoothly. The Sally Hansen gel top coat gives a shiny smooth surface.
  • I'm learning about sourdough.

  • I'm knitting baby socks for a shower using leftover yarn.

Well, that's all for now!
What have YOU done to be thrifty this week? 

Enjoy July!
It's racing by!



  1. Hello, my lovely friend! What wonderful ideas you have! One thing I am doing now is doubly beneficial. I am not drinking soda during the week. I really need to watch my calories, and drink more water. Water is also way less expensive ! LOL

  2. Great job on the tomato stakes, Lowell! A lot of people wouldn't have thought of using stuff from around the house.
    The learning about sourdough photo made me giggle! I've been wanting to try it but since it's just me at home I doubt I would use it enough to keep it active. Patsi at A Working Pantry had a very interesting post in which she dehydrated her starter and reconstituted it later with great success, so I may give it a try one of these days when things aren't so busy.
    The baby socks are going to be adorable! I got out of the habit of checking the blogs was keeping up with so I haven't commented in a loooong time, but wanted to say congratulations Grandma! I was so happy to hear that your daughter had a baby and that her little family is doing well. May God bless them and you, Laura!

    1. I read your response to Lowell. It pleased him. 😀
      You're so sweet. Thank you writing back to me.

      I'm not sure if the sourdough will be practical for us. We'll see!

  3. I have been thinking about trying sourdough too.
    Hey, whatever works on staking up plants. Free is good!

    1. Hi Cheryl!

      I'm not sure if the sourdough will be practical for us. We'll see!

  4. Thifty? Nothing at all. I've been trying to adjust to being home after our month long camping trip. I'm embarrassed to say that Dennis took me to lunch yesterday for our weekly date lunch. Then tonight we ordered pizza, although we will get 3 more meals from it, it was still a splurge. I admire your efforts though and I hope to get back "into the saddle" again soon.

  5. My daughter taught my husband how to make sourdough bread during lockdown. Our starter was called Elvis. Eventually Elvis died, but recently my husband decided to try again. The second starter is also called Elvis. We joke that he is on his comeback tour!

    1. Elvis! How funny! I've been calling mine Bubbles. It's like having a pet. I haven't tried bread yet.

  6. The fruit looks just delicious and the nail polish very pretty. I'm always looking for ways to be thrify!

    1. It is good for me to keep track. It makes me want to be more thrifty.

  7. Oh my - look at those baby socks!! That is sweet:)


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane