Friday, August 2, 2024

My Summer Reading List August Update

Hello everyone!

My summer reading list is late! Dare I say that I have been using my spare moments to read rather than write? You caught me! Here are some of the books I plan to read over the next couple of months. As usual, I'll probably add more as they catch my eye. Please see my Goodreads account. I keep it updated regularly. Note also that many of the books that I "read" are now audiobooks. I listen while I work, sew, or knit. That's how I can enjoy so many books.

Here are the books that I'm currently reading and listening to on Everand:

This is a fun, clean, time travel story with a touch of romance and characters growing in their faith. I actually finished it yesterday.

I finished it, but I think I need to read it again. We bought the book after I listened. 

This is a World War II novel set in Great Britain. Emmy Lake is a writer for a women's magazine. It's clean.
Just finished. 

  • Them: Why We Hate Each Other by Ben Sasse. I'm listening. I think this would be enlightening for both conservatives and liberals.  I just finished.  5 stars

Here are the plans that I'm currently reading:

  • The 40 Day New Testament Challenge ~ listening
  • Wondered by the Word ~ The Bible in a Year (Chronological) ~listening
I know that this may seem like a lot of plans at once. That's why I listen a lot. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17)  Since I started listening to the Bible as part of YouVersion's plans back in 2012, I've been saturating myself with the word. It has changed my life in so many ways. Thank you to my friend Deb who challenged me! Do You Find Reading the Bible to Be a Challenge? 

Here are the paper books I'm currently reading: 

I'm truly enjoying this book by my friend Karen Andreola.  She was the writer who introduced me to Charlotte Mason and her whole books, hands on, narration and nature based teaching style. 
I'm still reading but nearing the end.

I found this at a library sale this week. I read a short chapter each day. I do love short chapters. They're easy for snatch reading.

These are the books I've just received through interlibrary loan:
  • Crochet Cute Forest Friends by Sarah Zimmerman I browsed this and returned it.
  • The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz I read and enjoyed this.

Finally, here are a few books that just might get added as I finish a few of the books above:
  • The Poison Pen by Paige Shelton I enjoyed this book and the whole series. 
  • Toast & Jam by Sarah Owens I browsed this and returned it. The recipes are too gourmet for me.
  • The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman  I requested this on interlibrary loan. I read the first two or three pages and decided it wasn't for me. Gargoyles and hellhounds and necromancers, oh my! That's not what I thought I was getting into!
  • Blood and Bone by Don Hoesel I finished this and really liked it. It was exciting.
  • The 12 Week Year for Writers by A Trevor Thrall, Brian P. Moran, and Michael Lennington 

Can you tell that I love reading and listening? If this all seems a bit overwheming to you, know that it does to me, also, when I write it all out! Remember dear reader, as an adult, reading often means snatching up small moments here and there. Listening in the car or while doing housework, knitting, or sewing are other good times. My favorite, of course, is listening while knitting or sewing. Use your minutes!

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage!

Goodreads:  Laura Lane 
2024 I have finished 76 books of my 60 book goal.
Ravelry:  HarvestLaneLaura
Facebook:  Harvest Lane Cottage  
Mailing address available by email for snail mail lovers like me!


  1. Deb (now in FL, formerly in Carthage)July 14, 2024 at 7:01 AM

    “The Bible is an armory of heavenly weapons, a laboratory of infallible medicines, a mine of exhaustless wealth. It is a guidebook for every road, a chart for every sea, a medicine for every malady, and a balm for every wound.” Thomas Guthrie

  2. I love a good cozy mystery, I'm not sure I could write one though! I'm reading a Bible plan on Logos app which was recommended to me, and Spurgeon's Morning and Evening.

  3. I appreciate you posting this, it's always helpful!

    Blessings dear one! ~Amelia, My Forest Cathedral blog

  4. That is a lot of reading. You are really enjoying it I can tell. I read the Psalms every month on a schedule like the Hebrews and I read the Bible every weekend for church. We read NLT. Other than that I haven't read much except when I home schooled. My son and I have read many novels and really enjoyed that together. Keep up the faith it really comes through with everything you write! Blessings friend. Sherry


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane