Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Post I've Been Avoiding... The Diagnosis

Hello my dear readers and friends,

You've no doubt noticed a change in my blog over the last few weeks and seen hints of health troubles and tests. This is the post I've been avoiding. I just haven't been ready to identify with the problem nor am I sure I want to now. After all, God is the God of miracles. I need miracles, I'll bet you do, too.
Here goes.
 I found a lump on April 22nd. It's been an earth shaker to me and my family for the last few weeks.  This was the cause of the exhausting rounds of tests and appointments.

Yes. It is breast cancer. It's in all the lumps in my left breast and in a lymph node. My mother and maternal aunt both had breast cancer many years ago. 

To answer a few questions you might have:
  • The CT scan showed no cancer in the rest of my body. Praise God!
  • The oncologist scheduled me for chemo first because it is an aggressive cancer. They want to shrink it first before surgery.
  • I will also have mastectomy surgery, radiation, Hormone IV drug therapy, and a pill to take long term. 
  • They did surgery to implant a port for the chemo on Friday the 19th.
  • Chemo began Tuesday the 23rd. It should take 18 weeks if all goes as planned.
  • I didn't do well with a couple of the drugs, so I'll spend today, the 24th, my 31st wedding anniversary at the chemo center with the husband of my youth getting three or four more hours of chemo. They will slow delivery down to see if I can handle it better. The staff has been amazing.
But God.

  • I haven't had insurance for years. On March 1st, I got great insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield! 
  • We received a tax refund that we just left in the bank. We have enough money to pay all of our out-of-pocket expenses! 
  • Remember me? The lady whose husband went four months without a paycheck, without unemployment, and lived completely dependent on God? Go God! He is so so good to us!
  • I've had some friends locally who have offered to go to treatments with me so that I'm never alone. Thank you ladies!

My fight is the good fight of faith. I battle not against flesh and blood and tumors.

The weapons of my warfare
  • the Word
  • worship
  • praise
  • praying in English and in the Spirit 
  • journaling
  • keeping a book of thanksgiving
  • rest
  • eating well
  • following the doctors' plan.
I invite you to join the fight in prayer. 

As you might guess, my emotions have been a bit overwhelmed, but I am continuing to trust in the Lord.

I've been told by many well meaning people lots of things that are supposed to cure cancer. My husband and I have prayed. We believe that we are supposed to follow my cancer team's treatment plan. This is not a mild case, it is life-threatening. When I hear people try to tell me not to do chemo and such, it just upsets me emotionally and makes me waiver. I have set my faith that God will lead us through this and that I need to have James 1 faith. 
Yes. That's worth looking up my friend.

Laura Lane
Harvest Lane


My oh my! 
I am so overwhelmed with the love and prayers expressed in all these precious comments. I usually try to write back to each person individually, but truthfully, I don't think I can do it this time. Please understand. I send love, hugs, and thanks to each of you! May God bless you each and fill you with the wonder of his goodness and mercy. May your faith grow by leaps and bounds as you think on the goodness of the LORD. 

I WILL LIVE AND NOT DIE AND DECLARE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING! By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ shed for my sins and the torturous stripes he took on his back for my healing. I LOVE THE LORD JESUS. Thank you God! Holy Spirit, let's do this! Amen.

Hugs to you all,


  1. Dearest Laura, I am saddened to hear this but also pumped by your faith in God! HE is faithful even if....

  2. Laura,
    I'm praying for you dear friend! I understand about people wanting to offer medical advice. A few years ago when my now 16 year old daughter had cancer people gave all sorts of weird advice. It truly was upsetting. You do what the Lord directs you to do. He will get you tnrough this. I wish I lived closer to you. I would love to sit with you. And happy anniversary. It's not a very romantic way to spend your day but I'm sure that your husband will try to make it special for you.

  3. I will be praying for you and your family. Prayers for a quick recovery and to stay in remission.


  4. Push forward dear with the treatments. I am behind and beside you in prayer. Yes, there are a lot of folks who do not believe in traditional medicine. I believe traditional medicine is a help from God and so are some natural things. But in this evil cancer you do need the treatments your caregivers have prescribed. Do not be swayed! Blue cross is wonderful insurance for Jack and I. Love always my Christian sister and many, many prayers.

  5. I know we haven't seen each other in awhile because life gets so busy! But your faith has been an encouragement to me. I love you and will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers. Please, let me know if there's anything I can do to help, no matter how big or how trivial. - Jessica Faucett

  6. Hi Laura,
    So sorry to hear that you have cancer and you will be having a mastectomy. But God is going before you and will be with you. I have a friend who had mastectomy two months ago. She is healing well and is trusting God for her full healing. I will be remembering you and your family in my prayers. May God bless you!

  7. Will be praying for you! Blessings

  8. Laura, I've been staring at my computer screen -- your friendly face in the margin -- for quite a little while now. I am trying to process what you have just shared with your readers. Friend, my heart hurts for what you (and your family) are beginning to face... The tests and trials of our faith are varied person to person, aren't they? God leads His dear children along on our individual paths and He never lets go of our hands.
    It occurs to me that you are setting a powerful example to other women as to what True Faith looks like. The ordeal you will be facing will be difficult but your spirit already shows us a rock-solid commitment to glorify God every step of the way. Your children and husband will witness your vow to keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith!
    Please continue, as your time and strength will allow, to pop in and give witness to the power of God and the peace He will give throughout your times of treatment. It will keep your readers informed as to how/what to pray as progress is made. Already, your lists (miracles; warfare) have inspired me and I could only hope to God that if/when I would receive a critical health report, that I would have the depth of faith to write similar God-honoring lists!!
    I live only one hour from you. I am a homemaker with time to help in any way that I can. I can drive, shop, clean, bank, cook, help, sit, attend, etc. in any way that you would need. And I mean it.
    But in the meantime, Laura, I commit to praying regularly, and with FAITH, for YOU and your sweet family.

    "What times I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord my God."

    1. Wow! That is an encouraging and a very committed comment! God bless you!

    2. Laura, I have been following your blog now for awhile. I think that I may have posted except maybe very early on but I don't remember. I have experienced many of the same trials that you have, Husband with long terms of unemployment, he then had very serious heart problems that required open heart surgery and we were homeschooling too. I write all this to say to you that God is ever faithful . We laid all things at His feet and gave him complete control. My husband had surgery that did not cost us a dime. He now has steady employment and my son who is grown now had a 4.0 average at the Bible college he attends.
      In April of 2015 my very best friend was diagnosed with an estrogen negative tumor. She struggled with how to move forward with treatment as her treatment would take over a year and half to complete. She heard stories as well about how people beat cancer without chemo ,but through prayer and listening to the Father ,she decided to undergo chemo and radiation. She also had a masectomy ,but she read a book called "Beating Cancer with Nutrition"by Patrick Quillin that I gave her. It helped her with the chemo and kept her from getting too sick. Also please protect your heart by taking CoQ10. She never had a problem with her echo cardiograms about her heart's function as she faithfully took this to protect her heart tissue. You can read on how important this is. Chemo and radiation are very damaging to the body so you must nutritionally help it along. She is past her trial and doing very well and praises God for her healing,but firmly believes that the things that she did during her cancer battle to supplement her body to keep it and the heart strong helped her get through it without all the sickness. I will pray for you and know that God holds you in His hands.

  9. I have followed you blog for at least a year. I never replied, but so enjoyed your posts. I want to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. I have a dear lady in the Bible study I teach who has just completed radiation and chemo for cancer of the tongue. She shared with me this week that she has prayed and prayed as she took this journey. She never felt like she received any clear answers to prayer, but told me that she doesn't know why she made the choices she did or chose the doctors she went to. In retrospect, she knows it was God leading her along the way. Her report is good and the treatments, though difficult to endure, were effective. I will pray that you do as you are led. She also told me that when she looks back at the last year, God was preparing her for this moment in time. Stay strong, God has a perfect plan. Follow God's leading, He knows the way. The Author and Finisher of our faith is creating His Masterpiece---YOU!!!
    Blessings ~ Pamela

  10. My dear, precious friend, I am often in prayer for you and believing GOD to bring you through it all. You are so dear to me and to so many others. I can't imagine the courage it took to write this post. Thank you for opening your heart to us and for being who you are. I love and appreciate you so much! Hoping for better days for you, sweet friend.

  11. My heart and prayers are with you. Hugs!

  12. I love you, friend! This post made me cry and rejoice at the same time. God uses you to build our faith and I'm so thankful!

  13. Praying for you! Your faith is amazing! My mother and aunt had breast cancer as well, so I know it can easily become my fate as well. God is greater than cancer! May God bless you and your family as you battle!

  14. Dear Laura. God bless you. I have had cancer 3 times.Been through surgeries,radiation,chemo and all the ups and downs that go with it.Please go to the library and get the book RADICAL REMISSION SURVIVING CANCER AGAINST ALL ODDS by KELLY A. TURNER It is wonderful.I will keep you in my prayers.

  15. Dear Laura,

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis!! You have been in my prayers and will continue to be!!

    Malachi 4:2


  16. Wishing you well and sending prayers your way!

  17. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis Laura. God is good though just like you said and he will help you through. Along with your wonderful family. You know I believe that God gave the doctors knowledge to help us. You will be in my prayers.

  18. This just stinks! I've been down this road twice with my mom. Most recently last fall. I believe that sometimes God will choose to heal you through the doctors and medical profession. Modern medicine has come a long way since my mom had her first diagnois. Chemo is not only hard on the one going through it but also hard for the ones that love that person. Your attitude is wonderful and I know that you've got this and most certainly God's got this! I will be lifting you and your family in prayer.

  19. My Sweet friend Laura, I am so very sorry to hear this..I will be praying daily for you. As you know, Our God is awesome. He will be with you each step of the way.
    So happy you have all of your treatments scheduled and on the way.. God gave these doctors and specialist knowledge to work on us. So happy you are doing this.
    Yes, the James 1 faith is exactly what we need.
    My prayer is that God touch you, your family and heal your body and give you strength to go through these hard days..
    Know I will keep the prayers going here and ask my family to pray too.

  20. Laura.... I am so sorry to hear this and I will be praying for you and your family. God can heal you and I will be praying that He does. He also can sustain you if He chooses to allow you to continue to go through this... and I will be praying that you will feel and know His comfort no matter how He works. We know He is good... no matter what. We have cried through the song, "Thy Will Be Done" many times... recognizing things are difficult, but that we will submit to the Almighty God... I am thankful to hear that from you also. May God bless you with peace, faith, endurance, contentment and even joy. I will be praying. -Gentle Joy

  21. Laura, I'm so sorry. But I am certain that God knows and cares, He loves you and your family, and He will help you through this. Remember Mordecai's speech to Esther -- God allows things for us to have an influence (and to teach us stuff). Hang in there -- your friends are praying for you.

  22. ((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))
    I will pray for you Laura. What a challenge you are going through, but God is bigger. Keep us informed, when able, even if it is just a short note.

  23. Laura I'm so sorry to hear your news. You followed your faith and doctors! The doctors are trained the best to take care of you. Tell others you are not going to listen to detractors. I wish you the very best outcome. You, your family and doctors will be always in my prayers. Hugs, Sandi

  24. But God....that's your hope! He can! Prayers for you!

  25. I am so sorry to read of your diagnosis, but so glad to know that God, your faith, and your family and friends all sustain you. Go forth and conquer with strength from God. I will put you in my prayers.

  26. May God bless you and your lovely family. I will pray for you.
    Sue xx

  27. Definitely praying for you my friend!!! God knows the exact plan and you can definitely know how to hear from him. So I'm believing with you for complete restoration and healing in Jesus name!!!!!

  28. Oh Laura, I am joining you in prayer as you fight this battle! You are not alone- may you feel God every step of the way and rest knowing you will have lots of people praying for you!! Eyes on Him!

  29. Praying for you and your family. Fully understand your note and agree!

  30. dear laura - my husband had aggressive stage four cancer in his throat - he had surgery, aggressive chemo - then radiaiton and chemo together. he was diagnosed on july 20th, 2016 -- I am please to say that in february of this year - he was declared cancer free. he had a CT scan today and goes on friday for the results - he has ct scans every three months now. I believe in prayer but like you- believe in modern medicine of chemo, radiation, surgery...I will be praying for you and wished I lived closer - I would be there to ....wash your dishes, vacuum your floors, etc - the exhaustion from the chemo and radiation is terrible....but you can overcome this cancer - my husband stayed busy, took it one day at a time - and at his first oncologist appointment - he told the doctor "just so you know - I refuse to die" -- you keep a good mindset, and we will hold you in prayer....

  31. Your diagnosis sounds a lot like my mother's in 2015. She is over seventy years old and had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation. She is now cancer free. We did a lot of praying and trusting God during this time. It wasn't easy at all for her but it also wasn't nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be. I know your faith is strong just by lurking on your blog and this will be the most powerful medicine of all. Don't give up and try not to get discouraged. God is in control and he has great plans for you. I'll be praying for you and your family. God bless you.

  32. Your faith will see you through this. Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and your family.

  33. Sending you lots of prayers for peace and healing during this process Laura! With the Lord beneath our wings we can fly above anything.
    Happy Anniversary and may your day be blessed. xoxo

  34. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. God is in control dear Laura. He is laying out the path for you and He has surrounded you with loving friends and family to support you through this. We lift you up in prayer.

  35. Dearest Laura~ thank you for sharing your heart with us so that we may come on board with you in support and prayer.
    Your faith will carry you through and it's beautiful to hear your good attitude in a positive way.
    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband on the 31st

    God bless you~

  36. Laura, Praying with you for Strength and Healing. You can Lean on Our Jesus!

  37. Prayers for a complete recovery. God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  38. I am so sorry to hear this Laura dear. We worship a God who is mighty to save. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. Draw close to Him. I pray you and your family will experience the peace that passeth understanding through this journey.

    With prayers,

  39. Hello Laura, I have been reading your blog, but have never commented. I am a cancer survivor and will add you to my prayer list. God bless you!

  40. My dear, dear friend,
    I am so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis.
    Please know that I will continue to lift you up in prayer during this most difficult time.
    You are already leaning on our Lord for strength.
    He will continue to provide it.
    Please know many are praying for and cheering you on.
    Hugs and love.

  41. Trudy Abernathy-NeillMay 24, 2017 at 6:57 PM

    As a friend and as a nurse I will support you and your family....I will pray with and for you.....I will ask for comfort and strength and healing....and I will ask for a medical team that is compassionate as well. My advice is this...a day at a time, an hour at a time....and sometimes a minute at a time. We do not have all the answers, but God does. I believe the medical team are a part of the miracles that surround us. I believe this journey will take you to the path you are to walk....never alone....surrounded by love....and you will continue to inspire many. I send you love....from my farm in Indiana....where I also face difficult decisions and battles as well. But we go on....head up to listen and then head down in prayer. Sending love your way.....and Happy Anniversary to both of you.....Trudy.

  42. I am so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Just take it one day at a time( a song that I sung often when I was going through treatment).
    One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking from you
    Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
    Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine
    So for my sake teach me to take one day at a time.

    It isn't easy, but we do what we have to do with His help.
    Sending hugs and prayers.

  43. Laura, I don't know what to say, nor what to do. I know you are a sister in Christ and that He will watch over you and your family. It is very kind and very bold of you to share your story and make those who love you so, myself included, part of your journey to beat the living daylights out cancer. There's power in prayer and I'll add you to my church's prayer list too. I promise to keep praying for you.

  44. I have a dear friend going through this right now also. Praying for you both tonight!

  45. My sweet friend, ever since you shared this with me I have been praying for you and I will continue to do so.

    I am so sorry you spent your anniversary getting chemo, but oh, what a blessing to have your husband by your side. I hope your next anniversary is better and you are clear of cancer.

    As a side note, my husband and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage tomorrow. Much love to you!

  46. {{I'm falling behind in emails, so sorry, Laura---my nose is stuck in a book}}---you already know my story...and you already know that God has this. Keeping you in prayer sweet friend.

  47. Our God is a God of miracles! I sat by the bed of my husband who was in a coma after a heart attack and was told his brain was dead and that he would never wake up. So many came and prayed over him that I was in constant trouble with the hospital staff. He woke up and is home and doing well although he is not yet able to work. I know that my God can do the same miracles for you and your sweet spirit and kindness that I see here and in comments on other blogs will help you to bear all. I am praying for healing and that you will tolerate your treatments well. I often pictured my husband in God's mighty outstretched hand and I know that you are there being held and loved and cared for as only our Father can do.

  48. Laura, you have so eloquently posted what is going on in your life right now. I admire the courage it took to post this, as beautiful yet concerning as it is. It is more than obvious that you are allowing the Lord to guide you through this journey, as only He can since He's the One in control of all things. Sending hugs and prayers to you, sweet friend.

  49. Hi Laura,
    I've never left a comment before but I've been reading your blog for at least a couple years now and I've been encouraged, inspired, challenged, and blessed by your humble example in homemaking and raising children.

    I'm sad to hear about your cancer and I'm praying for you now for a miracle of healing, and I'm thanking God that he's granted you a heart that trusts and surrenders to him. I pray he will keep you under his wing all through the journey.

    Much love,
    Alfinda from Australia

  50. Happy Anniversary to you both! The first verse that came to my mind when I read your post was Philippians 4:6-7. As the song goes: "Don't worry, be happy" -- be happy that God has your life in His hands, which is the safest place to be, and He will guide you on the right path to renewed health. I pray that God guides your doctors with wisdom beyond their years and shows them the right course of action to take to beat this horrible disease. My sister and my aunt both had breast cancer, so I do realize your anxiety and concerns. But we serve and trust in a Great God! I will be praying for you and your family through this battle. Remember, no matter what the devil throws at us, GOD WINS! (Job 2:6) James is a good book to read in times of trouble -- James 1:2-5. God bless you, Laura! (Carol in Phoenix, AZ)

  51. You already know you're in my prayers daily. From all these posts, I'd say you have an entire army of prayer warriors.

    With all the things going on, I hope that you will find some moments of peace and remember, "Be still and know that I am God."

  52. Laura,
    I really don't know what to say other than I will be praying for you and my heart truly goes out. I am sad to read this but I am also encouraged by your faith and I believe the Lord will do what He has purposed! Bless you friend.

  53. Dear Laura, You are surrounded by those in blogland that love and care for you! I am also praying daily as is Amy also!! You do what you need to do and just know He is is complete control!! And your Godly attitude is worth so very much to the Lord and a great example to all of us!
    Love and Prayers... Roxy and Family

  54. Oh my dear Laura! This is just such a positive post in so many ways - BUT GOD!

    How amazing that you got insurance one month before the cancer!

    How amazing that the Lord provided an income tax return to cover your out of pocket expenses!

    And how precious your dear family and friends will be to you as they sit with you and keep you company through the treatments.

    Such a horrible journey to go through, and to think you spent your 31st wedding anniversary in the chemo center - but GOD is with you!

    This will turn into a praise report dear friend! I am believing mightily with you that the God of miracles is going to step on the scene, and heal you, encourage you, strengthen you, use you to proclaim His might and glory throughout all this, and that you will be cancer-free soon in Jesus name!

    I so wish I could be there to encourage you, hug you and just lift up your arms in the weary battle you face, but please know, if I can't be there physically, I will be on my knees lifting your name to the throne of Jesus, and HE is the greatest comforter there is. You will continue to be in my prayers dear lady, and I will continue to look for and expect great miracles in spite of this terrifying diagnosis! Hugs, prayers and much love!

  55. God is always our unseen support, may you continue to find blessings in your journey, I will pray for you to be returned to good health and I am so pleased you have good friends to help ease things for you, god bless Laura. from Judi in Australia.

  56. My oh my! I am so overwhelmed with the love and prayers expressed in all these precious comments. I usually try to write back to each person individually, but truthfully, I don't think I can do it this time. Please understand. I send love, hugs, and thanks to each of you! May God bless you each and fill you with the wonder of his goodness and mercy. May your faith grow by leaps and bounds as you think on the goodness of the LORD.

    I WILL LIVE AND NOT DIE AND DECLARE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING! By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ shed for my sins and the torturous stripes he took on his back for my healing. I LOVE THE LORD JESUS. Thank you God! Holy Spirit, let's do this! Amen.

    Hugs to you all,

  57. Laura where can we mail a card or gift? Do you have a post office box? I love your blog, it is so uplifting. No matter what is going on in your life. May God hold you in his tender mercy.

    1. Hi Savannah, You're too sweet. I will be happy to send you my address if you'll give me your email. I hesitate to put my address on the blog. Please understand. I'd rather send it to you directly.

  58. Just wanted to let you know we're praying for you Laura! ♥Joy

    1. I didn't mean to use an "anonymous" profile for my first comment. Sorry about that. :) This is Joy from Still praying for you!

  59. Praying for you💟
    God bless..

  60. Oh Laura! Such difficult news! God bless and keep you! Your faith is inspiring and precious. His Will be done for His glory always. You are in my prayers.

    1. Thanks so much Mrs. White. I know you're a woman of prayer. I thank you!
      God bless you.

  61. Thank you so much for the comment on my blog. I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with cancer and chemotherapy. I know it is a hard road. When we received my husband's diagnosis and immediately decided to go with the recommended chemo protocol, my mom told me to not let what other people say about our decision bother me. "It is your decision and you know why you made it. Be strong." I haven't gotten a lot of other medical advice but I have gotten some here and there. It's sometimes hard to not please everyone but in this, we simply just can't. His cancer is treatable but fairly advanced and left untreated, the prognosis would not be good. He will have surgery after chemo is done too, because it was important to shrink the other stuff first before removing the cancerous lymph glands that are a type of cancer that doesn't respond to chemo but are slower growing. I thank God for His provision for you! We are grateful that almost everything has been covered. With every claim that comes in saying how much was paid and that it is paid in full, I thank God! I will be praying for you. What has been helpful to us is to remember that it is not our battle but God's. He will fight it for us. We need to be obedient in what He calls us to do. ((HUGS))

    1. Thank you for your very encouraging words. I do appreciate it so much as well as your prayers. God bring your husband peace, rest, and complete healing by the power of the stripes that Jesus Christ took for our healing, by the power of the blood of Jesus, and in His precious name. Jesus Jesus Jesus, sweetest name I know. Fills my every longing. Keeps me singing as I go.

  62. Praying for you and your family. Our mom at 85 just beat breast cancer. I so have the faith that you can too. Love and prayer for you.

    1. Thank you so much Denise! I really appreciate the prayer and encouragement. God bless your mama with a much longer life in Jesus' Name!!!

  63. The love and prayers you've all been pouring out for me just humbles and hugs my heart! Thank you thank you!

  64. Sorry to read this Laura. Praise God for your recent insurance coverage. Allow others to pick up the load and care for you. I will be remembering you in prayer. God is faithful.

  65. Laura, I come to your blog often, but somehow missed this post until now. I am praying for you!

  66. Precious Laura. I have been so busy with my own life, that I haven't had much time for blog visiting so this news shakes me to the core. Sweet lady, know that I hold you in my prayers, and that I know many, many friends who have survived this insidious disease. Your faith is strong and I know this will sustain you and your family in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. Sending much love. Mimi xxx

  67. Hi Laura, I just popped back to this post to mention that I began a healing journey in 2014 when I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. I entered remission the same year. I had my port-a-cath removed earlier this year. I could have had it taken out three years ago but it never bothered me once it had settled in. Yes, I too had people push diet cures at me. One female co-worker even going so far as to encourage me to eat apricot kernals and giving me a book to read on the subject. She was then offended when I returned the book to her the same day. I put my body in the care of my specialist and the chemo nurses and carried my fears, anxiety and panic to God. My husband and I prayed together. I recited scriptures to myself when undergoing CT and PET scans. God bless you Laura.

    1. Sherri, You've encouraged me so much. Thank you for taking time to share your story. I'll be over to visit your blog in a few minutes. I receive that blessing!
      Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  68. Hi, Laura!
    Thank you for visiting me at Pile of Smiles and encouraging me with your rock solid faith. I am so thankful for your visit and to be able to connect with another giant slayer. I loved your powerful prayer for me and can see that you get it...knowing how to lay hold of God's promises and how to worship Him. I am humbled at the time you took in your own battle to encourage me in mine. Please know that I am praying for you too and believing you are healed. Praying for your husband and family too! Lots of hugs to you, Laura!

    God Bless,
    Mary (Saleslady371)

    1. Ah Mary, what do we have but time? The best way to use it is to love God and love others. Be blessed my dear!

  69. Praising God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon you and how he has provided for you just when you need it. He will continue to provide and undertake for you. Please do what your heart is telling you and follow the doctor's orders. Only you are walking through this with God fighting for you and many people beside you. God bless and keep you. I read your most recent post and encourage you to take the rest you need. xx

  70. Coming to your blog for the first time this morning and only because you were so kind to leave me a sweet message. It has been a blessing to read of your faith in the midst of this battle. It has blessed me to read the comments of sisters-in-Christ lifting you in prayer before the throne of grace. May the source of your strength be rooted and grounded in our King. "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" 2 Timothy 1:7

  71. Sending you my thoughts and prayers, Laura.

  72. Just now reading this, I'm so sorry to read this.. but God is good and I'm fighting the fight with you in prayer.. Sending you lots of love..
    Homemaking on the Homestead

  73. Dearest Laura,
    I just found your blog this morning through The Legacy of Home. I hope you are doing well with your treatments. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in 2010... he's still kicking, but the first thing he told mom and the doctors was, "If this is what God has planned for me, I will not do anything I hate for the rest of my life." The next month, he quit his job of 38 years (retired I suppose your could say, but he was only 55) and went fishing. LOL He's been fishing and golfing ever since, though he's had to slow down quite a bit these last couple of years. He spends a lot of his time doing for others with a happy heart and to this day says that is what healed him... removing all the cancer from his life, not just what was in his body. May God bless you immensely! I will be praying.

    St. Louis, MO

  74. Reading all your back posts and learning as I go. My husband starts chemo and radiation soon to shrink, then surgery at the end if all goes well. I take courage from your journey. Thank you for being brave enough to share. We are taking aim and will be kicking cancer in the butt through love and prayer too!

  75. Laura, you have my unquestioning support. You and God are the ultimate team and know what's best for you. So GO TEAM!! God will help your medical support see you through this to victory! I will think of you and pray for you often--Lord, please hear my prayers for your beloved and faithful servant!


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!