Saturday, May 14, 2016

Rehearse the Right Lines! Speak God's Truth!

Recently, a dear reader wrote to me about wanting to feel like it's going to be okay. I get that. I have been through times in my life when I wanted anyone and everyone to say, "It's gonna be okay." After awhile I realized that I really wanted someone to tell me that we were going to be okay, because most likely "it" wasn't. I think that speaking  God's truth about myself and my situation aloud has helped me. 

I can rehearse in my mind the bad things about myself or my situation with fretting, worry, and self-condemnation. You know, I'm really good at that. When I do, I feel worse.

Or, I can saturate myself with God's Word and truth. I can rehearse in my mind His goodness, His mercy, the things that He's brought me through before. When I do, I feel better.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. You can speak life to yourself by speaking God's truth. 

I think I've got my preach on, and I'm preaching to myself. ~smile~

Oh it sounds so simple when I'm typing it. I know it's not. I know that it's usually not instant either. It is worth pursuing Him relentlessly. Jesus Christ died so that we can have direct access to God. God promises that we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart.* 

*Jeremiah 29:13
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Go for it!
You're gonna be okay—with Jesus.


  1. Good post and a good reminder that we need our faith most when we aren't "feeling" it. I love that scripture in Jeremiah. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  2. Faith is something I use everyday...great post, Laura. Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

    1. Faith is the stuff that keeps us going when it's tough. Faith in God that is!

  3. I LOVED this post, dear friend...and I needed it, too. Thank you for this sweet, gentle reminder. And, I just noticed the bird sounds! Not sure if they have always been here, or if I have had my sound off and never noticed them. Thank you, and God bless you. :)

  4. Several years ago, I heard a woman Bible teacher say something along the lines of "act in faith even if you don't feel like it, your feelings will follow your faith, but your faith will not follow fickle feelings". This was a very good post, Laura.

  5. What a great reminder! When we fill ourselves with the Word it is so much easier to focus on Him and not the wind and waves. Thanks for linking up at Aprons and Pearls!

  6. A good word for my day today! Thank you!
    Blessings, Leigh

  7. Without Jesus think how much harder it would be to turn off the voices inside our head. Encouragement here, real encouragement.

  8. Love this devotional! Thank you,

  9. I have done this to know it does work and helps. I am having a major issue in my life going on. I was rehearsing the terrible outcome of this all. But I read a article about what we are gpinf through and she said everything you did. Awesome confirmation.

  10. I have done this to know it does work and helps. I am having a major issue in my life going on. I was rehearsing the terrible outcome of this all. But I read a article about what we are gpinf through and she said everything you did. Awesome confirmation.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane