Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marmee's Advice on Regular Hours

"Have regular hours for work and play;
make each day both useful and pleasant,
and prove that you understand the worth of time
by employing it well.
Then youth will be delightful,
old age will bring few regrets,
and life become a beautiful success,
in spite of poverty."

~Louisa May Alcott
Marmee's Advice in Little Women

Oh that I may learn to follow this wise advice. The work is obvious. The play is with my children and by myself. With my children, I want to play more games read aloud more, and do more artsy craftsy things. By myself, I want to study my Bible more, sew more, scrapbook more, and write more this year. I think I may need some time to pull away and really think about how I can make these things happen this year.



  1. Such excellent advice! I find that I am not good at balancing each day- many days are work, work, work, and others involve too much play (and procrastination...) but I guess in the end, it all balances out.

  2. Yes, we all need to find time for regular hours!

  3. Laura, you are such a lovely woman of God already. However, if you are feeling the need to drawer closer to Jesus and see what other things and more of things He is waiting to include in your life - then, I will be praying with you / for you. Some things we want - He may see as not being what He wants. But perhaps He is drawing you to a time of pruning and adding to your loveliness.
    I will be praying for you to find what it is that Jesus wants to bring out / about.
    Love you - hugs and blessings,
    Ruthanne oxox
    You are welcome to email me at if you want to write to me....

  4. Laura,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I'm so glad you did. Nice to meet you. Your blog is very sweet. Your quote for today is a good reminder to all of us. So often life takes off and we are left wondering where it went.

    Have a lovely Sunday evening.


  5. Beautiful advice. I absolutely love all of Louisa May Alcott's books, they're full of such lovely quotes to improve the mind and the spirit. :)

  6. I like the quote, the thought, and the old book illustration! :)

  7. Hi Deb,

    Now I just need to DO it!


    Moving in that direction.


  8. Those are all such important things. My sons are 24 and 21, I have to say that I'm glad we didn't have all of this technology when they were little. We played endlessly indoors and out. If I had blogs back then, I'm sure I would have been distracted.

  9. Those are all such important things. My sons are 24 and 21, I have to say that I'm glad we didn't have all of this technology when they were little. We played endlessly indoors and out. If I had blogs back then, I'm sure I would have been distracted.


  10. From
    Laura Lane


    We are a very low-tech family, Stacey; even so, my daughters do have blogs as do I and my husband.

    They're so busy with homeschooling, sometimes they don't spend enough time playing.



  11. Hi Stephanie,

    Yes, I want to find time to read more of her writing.



  12. This is something worth thinking about. . .and is something I plan on doing tomorrow. I just told my husband that I'm taking it easy with the kids tomorrow.

  13. Good for you, Stacie. God bless your day and your weekend.

  14. Great advice! I too have set some goals for this year and one is to scrapbook more also. Thanks for sharing at TTF!

  15. Hi Linda,

    I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to fit in the things I want to do.

    I haven't scrapbooked for a long time. I really miss it. I want to sew, too.

    God bless!


  16. Wonderful advice! If you ask me, there's just not enough hours in the day to do all that I want to do. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. Hi Jann,

    I feel the same way! Tonight my husband has worked late. I've been able to get some school paperwork

    done that's been put off and put off. It feels good to clear paper!


  18. Love the quote. Sounds like you've got a long list of stuff to fit in to your life. Remember, all things in their time.
    I loved my family's homeschooling years. My children are grown now, have degrees, and are working in helping professions. What they talk about most from homeschooling is the books we read (I worked our curriculum around literature)The Little House Series, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women books, as well as the Classics...What I see most is their sense of self, their quiet confidence, and strong moral compass. Best of luck on your homeschooling adventure! I look forward to visiting your blog again. Angels to you!

  19. Thank you so much for encouraging me Susan! I love my memories of reading aloud when they were younger. We're trying to re-establish it, but it's hard to find things they all want to listen to.


  20. Hi Susan,

    You make me want to sit on the couch and read read read to the kids. Thanks for the reminder.



  21. I found it much easier to find time for things when my kids were younger and we were homeschooling. I used a schedule and so, naturally, just wrote things for ME into the day's schedule. It worked really well!

    I do hope when you get it all figured out you will post it and share it! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  22. Ah Mom,
    I don't know if I'll ever get it figured out!


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!