Thursday, June 20, 2013

Forty Ways to Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, or Do Without

Dear Readers,

Hard times are upon many of us.  I've been trying to Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, or Do Without for several years now. Here are some of the things I've done.

Ways to USE IT UP:

1. Toothpaste- Take the end of your toothbrush and slide it along the toothpaste tube, pushing all the toothpaste up toward the opening to get out all the last bits. If you're at the end and want the very last bit, open the end with scissors and just put your toothbrush inside. You'll get a few more brushings out of the tube.

2. Lotions- If you have body lotion or baby lotion setting around unused, you can use it for shaving lotion. I just put some in my hand, add a bit of water from the faucet and spread it on my skin. The razor slides smoothly. The same is true for unused hair conditioner.

3. Lipstick- Use a lip brush or cotton swab to get the last bits out of the container.

4. Unmatched dishes-either your own or garage sale finds. Use these to give food gifts to neighbors or friends. We have had single neighbors who really appreciate a single serving of soup or whatever meal we're having. Using the mismatched items takes the worry away about getting your dishes back. When they're returned, it's just an added blessing.

5. Oftentimes, I have leftovers that I like to try to remake into something else. Soup's especially good for this. Leftover meat and gravy makes a great soup base.

6. If you have leftover bottles of cleaning supplies, use them!

7. Declutter and sell at yard sales.

8. Declutter your bookshelves and swap on Paper Back Swap. Please mention me, lauraofharvestlane, as referring you.
Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.

9. Sell clothes at consignment shops.

10. Sell other things on ebay.
Ways to WEAR IT OUT:

11. Tear up old towels to use as rags.

12. Wear those old tennis shoes in the creek or to mow the lawn.

13. Wear old clothes around the house; save your nicer things for going out.

14. Wear used clothes from yard sales, thrift stores, or resale stores.

15. Pass clothing down to younger children or to friends. Accept donations, too!

16. Patch those jeans! Put a pretty patch over a stain on a dress or blouse.

17. Let down the hem on your girls' dresses. If it's worn, add some rick rack, flat lace, or fancy machine stitching.

18. Put a ruffle around the bottom of dresses that are too short, or around legs of boys' shorts to make them hand-me-downable to girls.

Ways to MAKE IT DO:

19. I have brushed my teeth with baking soda sprinkled on my wet brush. I have also poured a tiny bit of peroxide over my toothbrush. I've not tried combining them yet.

20. I've used my lipstick as blush. Dot it on; then blend, blend, blend.

21. Cut up old clothes or sheets into your preferred napkin size. Zig-zag stitch or hem the edges. Fold them and leave them in a basket on the table or counter. It works for baby receiving blankets, too.

22. When I make jelly, I use an old pillowcase that is clean and lint free instead of a jelly bag to hang my fruit mixture in to strain it.

23. Remake used or old clothing by: adding pretty patches or yo yos, dying the cloth, embroidering by hand or machine around edges or wear lines where a dress or pants were let out, or adding a ruffle or lace to make it long enough and fresh.

24. The most romantic dinners that my husband and I have had since we were married were those at home. I'd feed the kids and put them to bed early. Then, I'd either prepare something for us; or, we'd eat take out. Sometimes, we'd eat at the kitchen table or dining table, or even at a little table in our bedroom. When we lived in a second floor apartment, I put a tiny round table and two chairs on the balcony. Each time I'd use a nice tablecloth, candles, china or nice dishes, and nice glasses or stemware. Add soft music; and, you have a wonderful setting. Give it a try!

25. You can clean a lot of things with baking soda and/or vinegar. Do some research.

26. Old baskets can be had for a song at many yard sales. You probably have some on hand. They can be spray painted for an updated look or to put goodies in for a gift.

27. Mismatched dishes in a color scheme, from yard sales, look pretty when set on a lovely table cloth. I'm collecting white dishes.

28. A sheet will work for a tablecloth. A two yard length of fabric hemmed at the ends can also make a tablecloth for many tables.


29. Don't go shopping for entertainment. Stay away from the mall and online shopping. It's a whole lot easier to do without the latest greatest if you don't go shopping for fun.

30. Stay home. Gas is a luxury these days, so limit trips.

31. Combine trips when you do need to go out. We have to go to a nearby city for some things we need. I like to combine everything I can think of that I need to do in that city on that day.

32. Use a bicycle, if you have one.

33. Invite friends for a potluck. Share the cost of the meal by asking others bring a dish to share.

34. The fewer ingredients in a recipe, the simpler and more cost effective it usually is. Steak is a notable exception to this rule. ~smile~

35. Rethink why you eat. Really, it's just to fill your tummy and to give you nutrition. Rice and beans can do that just as well as meat and potatoes.

36. Always think about what precedents you are setting with your children. A new bike for a birthday or Christmas sets a high precedent for next year. Designer tennis shoes or clothes set a high precedent for next year.

37. Don't allow your children to watch Saturday morning cartoons. The commercials are designed to make your children into gimme monsters.

38. Stay away from toy stores and toy aisles. Don't let your little darlings see what other accessories there are to go with their toys!

39. Stay away from craft and fabric stores! Eek! I knew you wouldn't like that one!

40. Do a Bible study on contentment. "Do not covet your neighbor's______. You fill in the blank.

May God bless you as you journey along this life using it up, wearing it out, making it do and doing without... CHEERFULLY! That part can come only from God!

Laura of Harvest Lane
Happy at Home


  1. Way to go, Laura.. We sure need to start being frugal and what great ideas...

  2. I was just saying to my mom yesterday that our family is already so frugal that I can't think of any more ways to save $$$. I've done all on your list too :)

    following from the crew

  3. Love it!!! Reaffirms what I've been trying to do, but still needed to hear several of them again (and again, and again) particularly that last one: Do not covet your neighbor's (ipad)! :) Visiting and following from the crew.

  4. Cindy, I'm in the same boat.

  5. The staying away from the toy aisle made me lol. We take the kids down the toy aisle if they've been good. They love to just look. They know we are not there to buy.

  6. I’m a fellow crew mate stopping by to say hi :-)Thank you for sharing all those awesome tips!
    I’m now following you.
    ~ Nanette

  7. What an awesome post of being content and frugal with what we have! I have wanted to do a post on this topic, but haven't known where to start. TY for helping me get started in my thinking. We have downsized twice, but keep finding ways that we can get leaner and not so dependent on stuff. Blessings!

  8. Really great post. You've mentioned some easy and wise ways to spend less and use more of what we already have. I think the last one is my favorite. I've been ruminating on the word contentment lately and I like it! I feel it! Must be because of all those days I'm staying home and making do! Thanks for entering this on the Farmgirl friday hop!

  9. Laura, what a great post and fabulous ideas to grow on. I am in favor of frugal living and you gave some great suggestions. Thank you for linking up at What Joy Is Mine's Monday's Musings. I am featuring your post tomorrow, along with others, for my Saturday Encouragement post. Thank you again and I hope to see more of your posts linked up at Monday's Musings. Blessings to you.

  10. Love this! Thanks for all the great tips!


  11. Lots of sound advice. I hate clutter, but I admit I also love craft stores and some of the other things that cause it. But there's lots I can apply in your list. Thanks.

  12. Great post! Lots of ways to use it up and do without! I think we could all benefit from a more frugal lifestyle. Thanks for sharing at TTF.


  13. Hi Linda,

    I noticed your hoarder post and had to smile. Being thrifty can lead to holding on to some things a little longer than I should. Of course, that's also being creative. I can just always think of something to do or make with all that stuff. I'm much better than I used to be and definitely don't meet the definition of hoarder. ~smile~ No, honest!

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  14. Hi Gail,

    I hate clutter, but as a homeschooling mom of four, with three at home, clutter seems to love me. I'm working on it this summer!

    I just listened to your Repent Biblical love note. I'll be back. ~smile~

    Thanks for talking back!

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  15. Great list! I incorporate many of these daily.
    Make it do . . . do without is often heard from this mama - it's even posted on wall!
    Craft and fabric stores are my own version of toy and candy stores. I have more than enough already, so better stay away!
    Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day.

  16. Great tips! I am frugal and I will starting doing several of these things!

  17. Great list! With four kiddos in the house and one income, we love finding ways to make things last and save money. I just wrote a post on 5 Ways to Stretch a Budget, so I'm going to link this to the bottom. I think my readers will appreciate these practical suggestions. :)

  18. So many great ideas!! Love finding ways to save money during these "tight" times! Have a lovely day.
    Neighbors About Town Blog

  19. You know that advice about staying away from craft stores is the best I've heard recently. This is a bit of a rant, but why can they consistently put those items on sale for 40% off, why not just charge lower prices to begin with. It's always the same stuff on sale or clearance anyway. Enough ranting. Your tips are awesome though. Thanks for sharing them.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  20. Hi Heidi,
    I have to agree with your rant. I can't afford their regular prices, so the 40% off coupon is my best choice unless I happen to hit a 50% off sale. But, I save even more if I use something I have on hand. ~smile~


  21. Hi Neighbor Chick,
    I'll be over in your neighborhood checking out your blog in a few minutes. We'd all do well to save where we can in uncertain times such as these.

    Blessings to you,

  22. Hello Confident in Grace,

    I'm coming over for a visit to see your post. Thank you for sharing mine. I, too, have four children and only my husband's income. That's one reason I need to be so frugal!


  23. Hi hsmominmo,

    I wonder if we're neighbors. I'm in the Joplin area.
    The motto often heard around here is, "Do with watcha got!"
    It's a derivative of President Theodore Roosevelt's,
    "Do what you can with what you've got where you are."


  24. Hi Laura,
    Your tips are great and many I have tried myself over the years. It's always helpful to read a post like this one. Thanks for sharing at my HOME and have a lovely weekend.


  25. Wonderful post! You inspired me on a dinner date at home with my husband after the kiddos are in bed. I will definitely be referring back to this list again!

  26. Great list! I agree, I didn't like #39. LOL Thanks for stopping by and linking up to Fluster Buster's Creative Muster Party! Looking forward to seeing what you're going to link up next week.

    Robin @ Fluster Buster

  27. Hi Robin,

    Even without looking, I figured the craft store idea was the one you didn't like. Seems most of us don't like it, including me. Although I've been working through my stash for quite awhile, I still have fabric, glitter, scrapbook supplies, etc. that I need to use up. I am to the point where I have to buy some things to complete a project, much like you might need a couple of items to complete a recipe. That's not the kind of shopping that hurts my budget though. ~smile~

    My husband told me just the other night that he doesn't have to worry about me shopping. That was a great compliment in my ears.

    Blessings to you from Harvest Lane Cottage,

    Laura Lane
    Carthage, Misouri

  28. Wow you sound like you are doing a great job. Thanks for the great tips and ideas. I am always looking for ways to save and reuse things. I host a party on Tuesday called The Gathering Spot and would love to see you link up sometime. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  29. Hi Mamal Diane,

    So good of you to drop in today. I hope you found something you want to try this week. I'd love to drop by The Gathering Spot. Could you please give me the link to your blog?

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  30. Laura, this is such a great list. Hubby and I are fortunate enough to not have to really watch our pennies. Still, I try to be frugal. My mom raised me to reuse, repurpose, and recycle. I like making things over. Never can be wasteful. I love finding new ways to use leftovers. And for the gas. Wow, cost me $83 to fill my Tahoe this morning. I find that the days I go roaming I spend a lot. Good thing I don't do it real often. Thanks for sharing this great list with SYC.

  31. These are GREAT tips, Laura! I've chosen your post to feature today at Tuesdays with a Twist! Thank you for sharing it last week! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  32. Marci,

    Wow! I am so honored. Thank you so much. I'm so glad to share some of the things I've learned along the way during the hard times our family has lived through.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


  33. Hi Jennifer, It worked great for us when our kids were little. I hope it works for you, too.
    God bless you and your marriage,


  34. I've always loved that saying (the frugal motto!), and here you've listed some wonderful concrete ways to put that into practice. A great post! I featured you on this week's Grace at Home--thanks so much for linking up!

  35. Laura, this is VERY inspiring, and exactly what I needed today (funny how that happens sometimes, isn't it?).

    My favorites so far are #4 and #21...and I am trying to like #39, LOL! (It's so darn true!)

    Love, Joy

  36. Hi Joy,

    No one likes 39! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Bless you,

    Laura Lane

  37. Love all the ideas!! Thanks for sharing over at the Homeacre Hop! Please join us again soon!
    Mary :)

  38. Hi Mary,
    I'd love to join you again. Thank you for asking!

  39. Wow, these are great: some are new to me and many are good reminders. Thank you! Visiting from the Graced Simplicity blog hop today, and glad I did!

  40. When my son is a bit older, I'm going to remember this one! "The commercials are designed to make your children into Gimme Monsters."

    Thanks for sharing on the Thrive @ Home Thursday link-up :)

  41. It's true, Amy. It's made all the difference with my kids. Of course, homeschooling helps with that, too.

    God bless you and your family. Enjoy your son!


  42. Hi Kim,

    I do hope you found something that you'll find useful. I learned most of them from living through some very hard times. God is faithful in the good times and the bad.


  43. Thanks for all the great ideas! Thanks also for linking it up to Think Tank Thursday. I featured you today.

  44. Carrie,

    What an honor! Thank you so much. I'll be linking with you again. My little girl was about six or seven when I took that photo of her knee. I've been compiling that list for awhile. ~smile~


  45. Carrie,

    I also put the buttons on my post. I hope some ladies find your blogs.


  46. Fantastic recycle ideas ~ Wonderful post ~ thanks,
    carol ^_^

  47. Fantastic recycle ideas ~ Wonderful post ~ thanks,
    carol ^_^

  48. Beautifully said, Laurie. May The Holy Spirit guide you as well.


  49. Thank Carol. I hope you found a new idea that you can use.




  50. Thanks, Samantha! Do you have a blog?

  51. This is really great stuff, Laura. I'm going to back to click "Follow!"

    Happy highways,

  52. I'm honored Kelley. Thank you! I'll be over for a visit soon.

  53. Great post.
    I have done many of these things myself.
    Thanks for linking up at
    God Bless,

  54. Wonderful post - I mentally checked off several of these suggestions - yep! I do these things ;) I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  55. Hi Kathy,
    I reread the post once in awhile to refresh my memory and get me moving. It's been my most popular post ever.

  56. Obviously popular with a lot of us. I've been trying to use this mindset lately too.

    Glad I'm not alone.

    Thanks for sharing!

  57. This list is great! Thanks for sharing! Hello from Wake Up Wednesday.

  58. You're welcome, Melissa. I'm glad you liked it. Just spent some time at your blog.

  59. It is always wonderful to be reminded about ways we can be frugal. I have had a frugal spirit for years now but I couple things on your list were ideas for me. Thanks for sharing!

  60. I'm glad to help, Tracy. I've been at this for a long time. My husband makes less than half what he made in 2004. I'm always looking for new things to help us get by.


  61. Great list! The best thing I did was give up window shopping. If I don't need something, I don't go out which saves loads of money :) Plus I almost never buy new. Thanks for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays!

  62. Those are key Jes! Thanks for pointing them out.

  63. Laura..tweeted.Thank you again for sharing.

  64. This is a wonderful list, Laura. I have done most of the things on this list. I have been compiling my own list to blog about soon. Thanks so much for encouraging your readers. It is nice to know that we aren't alone in this struggle, and that by putting some thought into things, we really can make do with what we have. Great post! Happy to have found your blog, Laura. I love your background.

  65. I love this list of ideas of saving money and being more thoughtful with what you have. You're right it is sometimes better to do without rather than go shopping for things we don't need.

  66. Too true, Crystal. I find staying away from the mall and not watching t.v. helps tremendously in being content with what I have. I still wish for things sometimes, but I make do.

    Blessings to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  67. Too true, Crystal. I find staying away from the mall and not watching t.v. helps tremendously in being content with what I have. I still wish for things sometimes, but I make do.

    Blessings to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  68. Wow! What a great list. With eight children I've had to learn how to practice being frugal. Lots of recycled clothes and simple menus. Nobody complains though because as long as we're all in it together nobody minds. :)

  69. What a great post Laura, thank you for all the handy tips to make do and save money. They are much appreciated in a tight economic household. Thanks for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  70. We do soo many of these things at home! I felt like I was reading a post by my mum haha. Fantastic tips :)

    Visting from Mondays @ Soul Survival

  71. Saving money never truly goes out of style. Your comment made me smile, MB.

  72. Laura, great tips! My husband feels blessed that I have an aversion to shopping! I especially like #25--homemade chemical-free cleaners--and #4 is pure genius!

  73. You gave a lot of great ideas.

    We don't use paper towels - bought 4 dozen tea towels for $.79 each at IKEA and we use them for towels, napkins, cleaning cloths, you name it.

    We avoid impulse buying by using Amazon Prime. We don't pay shipping after we pay the yearly fee and we find exactly what we want. If I went looking for something at Target instead of online, I would end up buying a whole lot of stuff in the dollar bins that I really don't need.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  74. That's a good point about Amazon Prime. I tried it out at Christmas time. It was certainly convenient!

  75. Great tips! I have done many of these things. I especially like cutting up old clothes for rags because then I get to enjoy the pretty fabric some more in a new context. I think you would enjoy this big list of ways to reuse things.

  76. Great post. As much as I know some of these things, it is easy to forget them in day to day life. I love your point about sharing a serving with single neighbors. As someone who is single and lives alone, I would definitely appreciate the thoughtfulness. Single-ness if often with its own challenges that can be overlooked.

  77. This is so great! Thank you for sharing with us at the To grandma's House we go link party! Pinned!

  78. So many great tips! Any combination of these will definitely stretch the budget.

  79. Thank you Laura. Lots and lots of good ideas and tips here.

  80. Great ideas for learning to reuse items and ways to do without items. I wish many more people could learn these valuable lessons.


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!