Friday, June 16, 2017

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #104

Welcome to another thrifty week at Harvest Lane Cottage. I'm so glad you've found me! Each week I share my thrifty and frugal projects, ways of saving money, and my blessings from God. 

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage

I am so glad you dropped in for a visit today—or tonight!
Do say hello!
Dear Reader

Life's changed a lot around here in the last few weeks. We're all trying to adjust to the new lifestyle we're temporarily living. I'm learning that I cannot do as much as I could, and the family is learning to pitch in a bit more. It's a process. 

This week's miracle:  We had money in our emergency fund to cover my daughter's car repairs. Thank you God. It may not seem like a miracle, but when you've lived most of your life paycheck to paycheck, having the money to fix something when it's broken is a miracle!

God bless you all, thank you for your patience with me. I know I've not been answering your comments like I used to. I do read every one, and I appreciate your kindness, and the time you take to write to me and encourage me. I value all of your friendships even though miles separate us. There is no distance in Jesus. 

If you have something that I can pray for you about, please write to me. I will be very happy to pray for you. God hears our prayers and loves us all.

I also thank you for all the love you've shown and the prayers you've prayed. God will make a way where there seems to be no way. God bless you all!


A Verse for You

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things,
and be in health, just as your soul prospers."
3 John 2

I don't know about you, but I think we'd better be looking to the state of our souls!!! 
~ Laura
Here's my thrifty week!

  • We bought a couple of pizzas at Pizza Hut on their carryout special for $10 each. Not truly frugal, but if you need to feed a family of five and need something fast, $20 plus tax is pretty good.
  • I attended a Look Good Feel Better class and received a lovely bag of skin care items and make-up from upscale companies valued at over $200 to help me feel pretty going through chemo. Thank you!
  • My friend Rebecca took me to chemo and bought me breakfast. Thank you!
  • Gifts and surprises! Thank you Judy, Billie Jo, and Barbara!
  • I took several bags of stuff to the donation bin. Some of it was last week's real estate investment and some from this week. Praise God! Things are starting to clear out.
  • Donated a couple of bags of books to a homeschooling friend. More real estate investment! Wonder what I mean? Read this, then go make an investment today! 
  • Flowers! Thank you Caity and Kathleen!
  • My Lowell created a make do supper salad of odds and ends from the fridge.
  • I made salmon patties from a couple cans of Aldi salmon, some oats, and an egg. Delicious! I fried them in a little canola oil. I rounded out the meal by putting a bit of cinnamon sugar in some applesauce. Aldi can save you big money. Try them if you have one nearby. Most of the items they sell are their store brand, but nowadays, most of the items are as good as name brand items. 
  • I bought some dollar frozen burritos for my son and daughter to take to work. Gotta figure out how to prep meals that can be taken or eaten at home at odd times. We are rarely all at the table at once now because of their work and school schedules.
  • A gift box of Burt's Bees creams and a new scarf came in the mail from charities that bless breast cancer patients. Thank you!
  • Here's an un-thrifty: I took the gift card I received last year and went to Hobby Lobby to buy yarn for a new cap. I forgot my 40% off coupon. Who shops without it? But I was there. The yarn I wanted was $3.99. Fiddle faddle foo! I was fretting over the 40% and ended up pulling out my debit card instead of the gift card! I don't think I even realized it until I got home! Oh well. 
What are you doing in your home this week?

...doing what I can with what I've got
where I am on a short shoestring budget!


I am totally serious about saving your change for Christmas.
You will be amazed at how much you can save up if you start now.
Just do it!

It's time to start saving your pennies
and your nickles and your rocks for Christmas!



  1. Bless your heart about the debit card. I did it recently also. Only it was suppose to me my HSA card used instead of my debit card. I have had nothing but trouble since I got new glasses in February. I was so frazzled by the time I got my broken frames replaced that I used the wrong card. Grr! Just thankful that the mess up didn't overdraw the budget.

    Continuing to lift you in prayer!

  2. So thankful that you are doing well through this season.

    I love Aldis for their veggies and gluten free items.

    Thanks for your updates!

  3. I am so glad you had money for the repairs. What a blessings. I pray for you daily. Love ya!!!! And I mean it! :)

  4. Mostly a good week for you and I am thankful for that for you. I am trying hard to finish up some orders for folks and we are about finished up with the hobby room. A good week here. Prayers always.

  5. We value you too Laura. Your posts are such blessings to all of us who read your blog.
    Your thrifty week sounds great!
    This is my thrifty week:
    Hobby Lobby had Simplicity patterns on sale for only 99 cents! So I bought a baby pattern to make a gift for a expectant mom at church.
    I canned some pork sirloin so we had carnitas tacos for dinner tonight.
    I got several yards of free fabric at a quilt meeting I was invited to. I'm going to make a simple tablecloth for our dining table from some of it.. I can practice sewing straight lines!
    I was able to save $20 at the market with online coupons added to my store card.
    I got a bottle free Pure Leaf Tea House Tea. It was very delicous as I don't buy ready made tea anymore. I prefer to make my own sun tea.
    So that's my week. You take care! I pray for you daily and more than once a day too.

    1. Great savings Regina! I'd love to have your email. You can contact me at

  6. Hi my friend! I have done the same thing with the debit card and the forgotten coupons. ((((HUGS)))) It sounds like you have had a very frugal and blessed week. I think it is wonderful that so many companies and individuals support people that are going through cancer treatment. My husband's sister was given 2 free wigs when she went through chemo. My MIL was given 2 free bras a year, but sadly I think that program is now inactive. Continue to be good to yourself and I'll keep praying for total healing for you and for God's continued provision in your life. :)

  7. Glad you are doing ok! Great news on the car repair funds!! Do you have a smart phone? If so, your hobby lobby coupon is there!

  8. I got from this that this round of chemo actually was better! The power of prayer always, always, always amazes me!
    Glad you had extra $ for auto repair, those can be a nightmare! Glad you had a ride & friend with you for the treatment, glad your family is adjusting to the "new" lifestyle. It's goñna take some doing, but I & alot of other ladies, and gentlemen are holding you & your family up in prayer!
    Be blessed, find peace my friend, Laurie

  9. Having raised 5 kiddos and working around those teen schedules I found it easiest to make large pots of things like pasta or large casseroles that the could just help themselves to and microwave a quick meal or put some in a container to heat at work. Also keeping fruit and things like baby carrots helped to round out meals.

    Our DIL who is 34 weeks pregnant fell and was hospitalized overnight as they thought she might be trying to go into early labor. Things calmed down and she is home now but we are all concerned that she carry for a few more weeks now. This is their first and she is a worrier. So we would covet prayer for that baby boy and his parents.

    I am glad chemo went better for you this week. With my husband's brain injury we constantly ask God for answers and He is so good to answer. He will answer you too! Isn't that wonderful?!

    1. Father God, I pray for Lana's DIL and grandbaby. I pray that you will protect them both in every way. I speak life, health, peace, joy, and trust in Jesus to this family. Father God, I believe that this child's life shall not be cut short and this child's destiny will come forth as you have planned it. God I pray for complete health and the perfect timing of little blessing's birth. Make this a time when mama deeply relies on you and learns to trust you more and more... I ask it all in Jesus' Name.

      Father I also ask that you will bring complete restoration to Lana's husband in his brain, in his memory, in his every bodily function, in his nervous system, in his cognitive thinking, in everything. God I pray that you will correct anything that is causing pain, and bring about not only complete healing, but an increased sensitivity to Holy Spirit's leading. I ask that you increase this family's faith. They believe, Lord help them with their unbelief. I ask it all in Jesus' Name by the power of the blood of Jesus. Amen.

      Hugs to you Lana!

    2. Thank you, Laura! What a blessing you are!

      Something my husband is learning to do when he is overwhelmed is to calm himself by sitting with his hands face up and open and asking our Father to speak to him and calm him. It is really helping. Perhaps it would help you when this journey becomes overwhelming. Hugs!

  10. Great post. Praying for you. I made homemade pizza with a Fleischmans dough recipe I looked up. It was good and frugal. I used left over chicken. We've been going to Aldi. If you have time come on back over to the Fabulous party. Take care.

  11. I would love to crochet you a chemo cap if I knew where to send it.


    1. Hi Sandy,
      Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage here.
      I'm happy to give you my address, but I'd prefer to do so by email. My email address is Drop me a note, and I'll send it to you gladly. Enjoy!

  12. I am a new subscriber, and I love your simple, straightforward approach. In a world that seems increasingly confusing and overwhelming, I love that I can read what you write, understand it, and apply some of the ideas to my own life. Thank you. May I ask for a selfish request? Could you please pray for my family of five ? (Me, my husband and my three children, ages 11, 10, and 9) I can't go into detail here (would be an entire book long!) but our family has been going through some "tough times" for the past seven years. No kidding, seven years of one catastrophe after another. Currently, I am 48 yrs old and the sole support our family, and I work about 56 hours each week in a very physically exhausting job. I am asking for prayers that God will bless our family, or at least lessen our burden, and to forgive us for the multitude of sins ( most pre-children ) that must have brought about this unbelievable wave of "bad luck". My husband is in poor health, but with no health insurance, we cannot buy the medicine that he so desperately needs (for blood pressure and ulcerative colitis), and my body is not faring well with all the physical demands put upon it. (I get one day off every three weeks.) Anyway, yes, prayers please. You mentioned about being paycheck to paycheck, so I knew that you would understand. God bless you and your family. I will pray for you as well.

    1. You are so very kind Mrs. Web.

      Father God, I pray for your intervention, your divine intervention in this family. I do not know the issues, but I know mama is exhausted, and papa is not well. God I ask that you meet every single need this family has, physically, spiritually, socially, relationally, and financially. I pray that you will change their hearts to be very sensitive to your leading, and tender to each other. I pray that you will protect the children. God, I don't know the answers, but you do. I pray that this family will press in to you for everything they need, both individually and as a family. God, if they are not in a loving church family, place them there. I ask it all in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the blood of Jesus. Bring restoration. I ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

      Hugs to you Mrs. Web!

    2. Thank you so much for this. God Bless you for praying for us, and I will try to hold on to the "Faith, not Fear" approach to life that I know GOD wants for us.

  13. Thank you for continuing to update us here, my friend.
    Continuing our prayers!!! Pizza Hut! : )


  14. I wish there was an Aldis here, it is over an hour away, so we don't go there.

    You had a great week!

    I sold something unexpected, and made $20.00, the fellow was tickled to death to get the picture, and I did not sell it for money. All of a sudden, it came to me to sell it to him, just to be good to him, when I saw his ad asking for one. He was like a kid, and I did not mind letting him have it. It was one of those old Grace pictures, the old man saying grace over his bread meal.

    I did the men's breakfast meal at church, there were three left over home made rolls with ham and Swiss cheese. The kids would not eat their gravy with their biscuits, they wanted the ones I made with their gravy ��.
    I also made a peach cobbler cake. White cake with peach cobbler toppings and butter cream frosting drizzles There was about half left, I took it to my DILs baby shower. Everyone ate the cake instead of her cupcakes.
    I took the three rolls home, and used them for a meal at home.
    I donated the last remaining cake to my friend for her family.
    So none went to waste, and fed a lot of people. Everything except the cake mix, and disposable $1.00 pan came out of my freezer and pantry. I like to use those pans to travel food to others, it makes no mess to bring home, and no trying to get back my good pans from other people. My friend will wash and reuse the pan to take food to her church. Like ripples in water, blessing others.

    I got half a cantaloupe, and half a small watermelon marked down.
    I got some good prices on some other things.
    I stayed home two days and saved some gas and oil.

    I hung out more laundry, and used the ceiling fan more than the window ac.
    I used the water from the ac for the deck tomato, and little verbena plant.

    I bought a grocery bag full of old vcr tapes at the library book sale, $2.00. I had promised myself no more vcr tapes, but I thought I'd watch them then give them back to resell. I know they are obsolete, but I enjoy the really old Disney films, when they were decent. Watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang tonight.

    I won a craft prize box on a Facebook giveaway. I got it yesterday in the mail, and am sharing half of it with my SIL. I am very glad to get the glues, paint bottles, painters tape, chalk, and chalk boards though. The little chalk boards look like mason jars. I think I will blow a copy of one up, and make a couple of ones typing paper size for Christmas gifts, using recycled wood of course. Nice but frugal.

    I got a really good deal on Avon lotion, I like to use on my legs. The bottles were reduced, and I now have enough to do me for months. My SIL who sells it, was laughing at me over that, but I think it is a blessing to know even this winter I will have a nice product, that I consider a luxury that works well, and I won't run out. :)

    Well, that is more than you wanted to know! This week I am planting more watermelon seeds, hoping the hot coming days of August will run them everywhere. I will sale them, if they do! It costs me nothing, just some I saved back year before last. I ran across them in the pantry, dry as can be, but you knowI just looked at them and know that they will grow, at least a few. I save my seeds in old junk mail envelopes, they work very well for that.

    I "rescued" some nice small pine board pieces to craft with from the neighborhood dumpster, Yes, not buried under anything nasty or revolting. Thank goodness! Smile! I also got several pieces of copper wire to craft with, after I strip them. The dumpster was empty! Thank goodness yet again!

    I mended a night gown. I found a stray sock I'd misplaced for awhile now. It was like getting another pair free.

    I am reading a free book I got to review, and library books too of course.

    Hugs and prayers, still lifting you up daily.

    1. ALWAYS you amaze me with your frugal and thrifty ways. You are an inspiration Annie of Scrappalachia!

  15. Thoughts and prayers~ keep you well my friend. Forgive me for not responding sooner, I haven't kept up for a couple weeks.

    1. There's nothing to forgive. We all lead busy lives. Thank you for your prayers!

  16. What an inspiring post! You are so thrifty and creative with money! What is also so uplifting are the many ways you are being blessed during this season of your life. You sound like you have a strong support system which is so good!!

  17. Pizza hut sounds fantastic.. and what ever you can feed all of your family, and make it through that day.. Yea!!!
    I am so sorry about your hobby lobby trip..[sounds so much like, what I would do.ha]. I used my credit card to mail a package at the post office, thinking I was using my debit card.. We don't use this credit card, it is for emergency only..oops--- What a mess
    Praying for you .. May God touch you and bless you this day.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane