Thursday, November 11, 2010

When It Comes Down to It, Sometimes the Old Ways Are Best

I spent this afternoon stitching away on my machine making corn sacks for Saturday's sale.  About three o'clock, I ran out of thread.   A perfect excuse to take a quick trip to the quilt shop.  I invited Emily to go along; and, soon we were on our way.  Now, I couldn't just go right in and buy my thread, could I?  We browsed through the beautiful and some not so beautiful fabrics.  I oohed and awed over the browns and navies, burgundies, and tans.  Emily sighed over the bright purples, pinks, and peacock blues.  After fifteen minutes of pure pleasure, I paid for the rather unexciting off-white thread; and, we came home.  As a side note, we saw the most beautiful cloud formation with the sun's rays just bursting out behind it just like the glory of God.  I picture it to be something like that when Christ comes back only immeasurably better.

Well, when I got home, my sewing machine wouldn't work.  I spent over an hour trying to fix it.  Finally, I was able to make it sew with some skipped stitches.  That simply wouldn't do.  Ugh.  What now?  Well, I filled my bags half full of feed corn as planned.  I then sewed along the seam line twice.  Then, because it looked rather sloppy, I folded it over twice and pinned it.  The rest of the evening was spent hand sewing the bags closed.  Five down, six to go.  I'm sure glad I know how to hand sew well!  When it comes right down to it, sometimes the old ways are best.

Making do,
Happy at Home

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,

    Isn't it true! What is the saying...everything old, is new again! I too think that the old way is sometimes the best - tried and true. They probably look so pretty hand sewn anyway...:0)



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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor