Thursday, February 21, 2013

An Icy Snow Day, Family, Cooking, and Sewing!

 The view from our front porch looking south,
and looking north, 
and looking East. 
It's a snow day! 
Schools are cancelled including our homeschool.
Hubby's home from work.

I tried a new chili recipe that called for half a cup of chili powder and some paprika among other things.  It was a thumbs down.  After a taste, hubby and I tried to doctor it, but it was a hopeless case.  We ate it anyway with some homemade cornbread for the kids and Daniel Fast corn muffins for Hubby and me.  I am not going to share the chili recipe.

I put up some red beans in jars that I simmered slowly all day yesterday.  I put them in the freezer for a quick lunch.  I haven't gotten my pressure canner ready to use yet.  When I do, I'll probably can some beans to make them recipe ready.  I also put up some strawberries that I got on sale this week.  I froze them individually on a cookie sheet then transferred them to plastic containers.  I'll use them in smoothies.

The kids just finished the dishes.  Now they're bundling up to go out and sled.  Since we have ice all over not just snow, they'll go fast. 

I'm going to stir up a fragrant pot of hot cocoa.  Lowell is putting an extra log on the fire.  Then, I'm going to get out my sewing machine, Miss Singer.  Yay!  I just love this machine.  She's easy to thread, easy to use, and she's sewn through all the layers I've needed her to.   I've been making handbags in preparation for reopening my Etsy shop.  I'll take some photos and share soon. 

Well now, time to get to that cocoa.

So glad you dropped into the Cottage!
Do send me a note.  I love to hear from readers.

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage!
Happy at Home
May I suggest?

Farmgirl Blog Fest

1 comment:

  1. You were brave to tell about the chilli recipe and not post it. By the sounds of it, it was a good thing for all that it wasn't posted :-)

    (Returning your blog visit.)


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Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor