Thursday, January 2, 2025

Something to Think About... The Date


Hello dear reader,

    I know that everyone has moved on from Christmas and is into new year's resolutions, decluttering, etc. But, this came to me in my email from Hillsdale College. I took their online A Christmas Carol course last month. This month, I'm taking their Paradise Lost course. Their online courses are free. You can check them out at . 

    Anyhow, they sent this video to me this week. It's about the date of Jesus' birth. Long ago, I remember reading about how the date had been set by early Christians during Saturnalia, so that they wouldn't be persecuted for celebrating. It seems that there isn't evidence of that after all. Watch this short video to get another viewpoint and to get a taste of the Hillsdale College online experience.

If the video does not show up for you, here's the link on YouTube:

Happy New Year!


  1. That is interesting! It seems someone is always trying to muddy the waters, but God can reveal Himself.

  2. Merry Christmas (belated) and a Happy New Year to you Laura! Thank you for sharing this video, many blessings to you dear friend!

  3. Interesting course. Yes, I am back to purging the very last room downstairs. I would like to have a clutter free home this year, so we can have more free time.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane