Saturday, March 15, 2025

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #183 ~ March 15, 2025


A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage
We lived in this little house that God provided for us during some extra lean times for nearly ten years. I have fond memories of using it up, wearing it out, making it do, or doing without. It's a lifestyle that works well today, too.

Thank you for visiting today—or tonight!
Do say hello!

Dear Reader,

    I spent the past week sick with a cold. I actually stayed in bed most of the day Tuesday. I cancelled my work assignment for Thursday. It was just a normal cold with stuffy nose and coughing, but it wiped me out. I had planned to get serious about thrift! The best laid plans of mice and women often go awry. A new week is ahead. I'll do better!

Once upon a time, long long ago. 

Here's the story that goes with the photo as found on my husband's Facebook account:


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"Laura made cocoa for the boys, and Michael asked her to hold his gun while he took off his boot. I caught her .... reminds me of Granny from Beverly Hillbillies. Spoon in one hand and shot gun in the other!"
A Verse for You
"Seek the old paths and walk ye in them, for there you shall find rest for your souls."
Jeremiah 6:16
Here's my thrifty week!

  • My husband started spring yard work. He spent a few hours  getting the pile of sticks and leaves in the corner of the back yard cleaned up. It's been piling up for over a year. It changed the look of the back yard. Then, he started attacking the overgrown fence line. He burnt for quite awhile. 
  • We bought food and stocked up on supplies. Yikes! What an expense. There were some things on the list that we've been out of for weeks. I was trying to have a few low cost weeks during January and February.
  • I had a very stuffy nose this week. To reduce the amount of tissues, I used cut up rags part of the time then threw them away.
  • I save money when I stay home. ~wink~
  • I sewed a tiny bag with some scraps that I had on hand. I was hoping to use it for id and cards, but the batting I used made it too small and puffy. I'll just have to sew another card wallet. I'm practicing, using what I have, and learning. 
  • I felt a bit better on Friday. Sarah from Classical Homemaking visited me. We exchanged some books, went out for Mexican, shopped my favorite thrift shop, then visited Little Free Libraries in town. We left books at each library, then went to a local coffee shop for lemonade of all things. We talked and talked. We don't see each other nearly enough. ~smile~ We didn't solve all the world's problems, but we got a start on them. ~giggle~ 
  • I was able to restore my white sneakers to an amazing degree with a shoe cleaner I got from Amazon. That stuff really worked. It brightened the white and removed the dog mess from my shoes without water! That saved me at least $60 on buying a new pair of shoes. The one on the left above has been cleaned. Below, both have been cleaned. 

    Lots of sleep, rest and a bit of thriftiness filled my week.
What have you been up to this past week? Plans for next week?

Be blessed,


  1. Hi Laura :) I hope you're feeling better. The pollen down here in Texas is starting to get to me. Everything is covered in yellow dust. The picture of you with the gun is hilarious :) Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully feel much better!

  2. I had a great day with you! Your shoes look great! Hope you're on the mend!

  3. Nice post on thrifty-ness. I think I added books ha ha ha! However, I do have a stack ready to take to one of the kids soon. I added a few things to my donation box too. Going out for lemonade sounds fun and refreshing.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane