Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Thrifty Woman's Real Estate Investment Strategy

Without question, our home purchase is the biggest, most expensive investment we will ever make. According to B4UBuild.com, homes can cost an average of $112 across the country, but range from $55 -$328 a square foot. Many things factor into the cost of a home, but whether you live in 1000 square feet or 3000 square feet, that's a lot of money. 

I've found a really inexpensive way to add space to your home.  
I call it real estate investment. 
Free Oak Hill House Desktop from DebbieMumm.com
The Thrifty Woman's Real Estate Investment Strategy

It's really quite simple. It's a do-it-yourself DIY that is Pinterest worthy.

Every Walmart size bag that goes to a thrift store, giveaway, or trash "buys" you another cubic foot of space in your home. Don't believe me? Try cleaning out your closet! You'll have more space. 

So, if the cost of your house per square foot is $100, every plastic bag of clutter is worth $100 of real estate! Now, that's real estate investment! 

Ladies, let's grab our bags and invest!


This article is featured in issue #133 of
The Christian Home Magazine.

See my Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #94!

Featured at:

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  1. Funny, you should post this...we are going to purge the basement this week. Awesome post, Laura. NY is very expensive to own a home here, the taxes are very high...smiles

    1. I'm looking around and thinking, "Hmmm... is that worth a hundred dollars to keep?"

  2. Smart! Best investment yet. We are getting ready to have our garage sale in June! Have a blessed day Laura

  3. I need to get rid of more, just so I don't have so many things for the dust to decorate! :)

  4. So true! I emptied our guest room, nothing but a bed and a portacrib in there now. There is lots of floor space and the grands have been playing duplos in that room. It's like having an extra toy room almost. M

  5. Hi Laura, Thanks for visiting Allthingzsewn. Thought I would return the kindness. Been browsing and like what you are doing with our blog. We have a lot in common and look forward to another friendship.

  6. Gosh...this is so true! I love to deep clean and purge! I just gave several bags away and it felt great!

    I hope you are having a great week!
    Thinking of you....

    1. Want to come over and play? I find it so hard to make decisions.

  7. Thanks for sharing... You are so right.. Since moving into this smaller house, I really have to make more space, and the only way to do so...is to rid our space of stuff..aka= junk.lol
    Have a blessed day.

    1. I've been paying attention since I wrote this piece. I think I've already cleared about 6 cubic feet this week! Wish that were 6 feet of floor space. ~smile~

  8. Great idea that absolutely works! Thank you, sweet friend. :)

  9. Such a great idea, and way of looking at decluttering! We downsized in a large way last year, but still, there is more that we can do. I love the idea of clearing cubic feet with a Walmart bag, lol!

  10. We fill those cubic feet with the same bags! I don't know why it doesn't register that we cannot just keep adding and not getting rid of things. Know what I mean?
    I'll be over for a visit in a few minutes.

  11. It's so great to just let go of stuff. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


  12. I LOVED this post!! :-)

    Profound insight right here! And so very true!

    Great way to look at clutter and how to make the most of the square footage God gave us. :-)

    1. You're so sweet Karen. You're right. God did give it to us. ~wink~

  13. We've been doing some purging lately!
    It feels great, and it does add a great deal of space!
    Found your post today on Modest Mom.
    Hope you have a blessed day~

  14. Love this concept Laura and pinned it! :)

  15. Good morning! This is just a little note to let you know this article has been * featured * today for our monthly feature on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! Thank you for joining us and have a lovely week! :)

    P.S. We hope to see you at this week's link up!

    1. Oh wow! That's a terrific honor. Thank you!
      I'll be right over!


      Mrs. Laura Lane

  16. Definitely working on cleaning out here. ;-)

    1. I've got a lot to do. I'm hoping for a miraculous cleansing by the time we start school again in August! ~tee hee~

  17. Laura, That is a great way to look at it. I just want my space to feel lighter with less stuff in it. Sylvia D.

    1. I live in a puzzle house Sylvia. You can't move one thing without moving another. It's just small for our family. I think I need to move more puzzle pieces out!

  18. Aren't you sweet Suzie! Thank you. Be blessed!

  19. I am just finding this post a year late---but I need it now! I am on a decluttering raid! But this week I am renaming it INVESTING!! ~~fistbump~~

  20. From the time we downsized to our little cottage, we have had a rule - something new for the closet requires something old goes.

    We make a run to the donation center about once a month just to stay on top of the clutter.

    We have also downsized the dimensions of the furniture in our house. Check out my post An Extra Foot -
    http://artandsand.blogspot.com/2017/07/gaining-foot.html to see how we gained an extra foot in our dining room by removing the furniture and installing 3" wide plate racks instead. Believe me the foot of space is noticeable.

    1. Checking it out! We were snug in our cottage when we moved in with 4 kids 8 years ago. It was to be temporary. Now we are bursting to overflowing since our kids are now nearly grown. One's already moved out, but it's still tight. I must continue to remove excess!
      Be blessed,

  21. This is really neat! I've got two more big empty boxes ready to fill with stuff from the drawers and closets in the bedroom. I am so tired of having too much junk! Thank you!

  22. Absolutely! I love this idea. Especially since it's January time. Perfect month to make my house bigger. ;)


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!