Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Young Man of my Dreams, my Thoughts, and my Prayers

Matthew's been out of the nest for three full weeks now. I think of him so much and pray for him so much. I had a good phone conversation with him a couple of nights ago and HE CALLED ME! Hurrah!

He's adjusting well to school. I think he likes the challenge, though he hasn't said so. He is busy busy busy now. That's a good thing for a nineteen year old.
Now if Momma can just adjust!


  1. What a beautiful son you have! I am sure you will get use to it! It is hard to let out children go! But the independence is such a great thing for kids! I will keep both of you in my prayers! He will be fine! He looks like a confident young man!

  2. Oh Laura, I can so identify. When my son was 19, he went on a two year mission for our church. We only talked to him on Christmas and Mother's Day! It was such a growing and learning experience for him.

    What a handsome young man! I know that you have given him all the skills he needs to succeed in life and do well. Just keep encouraging and loving him!


  3. (((( HUGS))))) I know exactly what your going through.. I have been an empty nester since last August...I don't know how far you Son is from you, but the kids do come back all the time and they go straight to the refrig...Our lives have been about our kids and then all of a sudden they are out spreading their wings and soaring..Just like they are suppose to..It means you have done a wonderful job as a parent..Now you are a retired from parenting and have become a mentor now..It is fun..Hard to get use to but fun..Now it is time to soar in doing what you want to do..I know your not there right now because you want your Son home. Alot of emotions going on...Just know your in my prayers and so is your Son.. ((( HUGS))) again... Lisa

  4. Just remember roots and wings! Be proud he's finding his path!


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor