Thursday, November 4, 2010

It Was So Scary!

I couldn't find it anywhere.  I couldn't replace it.  I couldn't even remember it well enough to recreate it.  It was so scary.  I'd lost a treasure...a handed down two generations family Grandma Bern's Raisin Bread Pudding Recipe.  Grandma gave it to Mom and Mom gave it to me.  Grandma and Mom are in Heaven waiting for me.  So, I called Dad.  Nope.  He didn't have it.  I prayed and looked one more time through my recipe drawer.  The card had to be there somewhere.  My little girl, Amy, found the recipe box...where I'd already looked.  I have no idea why I didn't see it.  I just thank God that she found it.  I sent the recipe to my dad and my brother.  Now, I'm going to put it here, also...just in case.

Grandma Bern's Raisin Bread Pudding

Put into 1 1/2 qt baking dish:

4 slices buttered toast, torn in pieces.
Sprinkle over toast 1/3 cup raisins.

Pour over mixture:

2 slightly beaten eggs
1/4 c sugar
1/8 t salt
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup boiling water
1 t vanilla

Let stand 10 minutes; then, sprinkle with:

4 t sugar
1/4 t cinnamon

Makes 4 servings

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until inserted knife comes out clean.

Now I know where I put it, in the box and in my sidebar.

So Thankful

Sharing with:
Spring Party


  1. Make copies for yourself too! So glad you found it!

  2. Glad you found your recipe. Our family experienced this a few weeks ago. My mom called to see if I had a recipe for a cake my grandmother used to make. My mom said that my aunt had called looking for it in order to give it to her daughter.... I did have a copy and was immediately able to pass it a long. Some of those old family recipes are so special and bring back wonderful memories!

  3. Hi Down to Earth Style,
    I've never had that kind of cookie. Do you make it now?

  4. Oh I love bread pudding and this sounds like the one my Aunt use to make. I will definitely make this and cherish the recipe too. So glad you found it and shared. Thanks so much for linking to the Holiday Baking Party. Hugs, marty

  5. Hi Marty,
    My husband couldn't believe I put it on the blog. I wanted to have it someplace I could find it if I couldn't find my hard copy! I do hope that you like it and that it reminds you of your auntie.


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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!