Monday, June 4, 2012


Missing our kittens.

They've all got new homes and hopefully they're very happy.

Missing our dog, Josh.

He disappeared Memorial Day.

I found him that evening.

15 years.

The end of an era.


  1. So sad! I get attached to my animals, too, and still miss pets that I had as a child and pets that we had when our children were little. Our oldest daughter still has one of the kittens that were born to us in Blue Springs. His name is Catfish and he was born when Amber was 10. She turned 31 this year.

  2. I'm so sorry about your dog, they become one of the family so quickly!! Hugs!

  3. Pets just find a special place in our hearts! Hugs!


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Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor