Friday, February 28, 2014

One hundred sixty-nine!

Hello Dearies,
  My computer is home from her hospital stay.  The doctor told my husband that one hundred sixty-nine viruses attacked my computer.  Can you believe it?  I'm amazed she even woke up in the morning!  I do appreciate your patience.
  Over the next few days, I'll be posting some reviews that are due.  I've been doing a lot of reading this month.  I know that I've posted more reviews and fewer other posts lately.  To be perfectly honest, I've had a hard time getting back to writing after my mother-in-love's move to Heaven.  I just feel like I've been going through the motions in a lot of things.  She died just before Thanksgiving, so I had to push my grief aside so that I could "make Christmas" for my children.  Mother would have wanted me to do that.  Since then, I've just been so busy doing the next thing.  It's been kind of like an underlying sadness.  Through it all, God is yet good.  It's good knowing that I will see her again, and she will be well and healthy.
  So, over the next few days, expect some reviews.  In the meantime, I'll be thinking about what I'd like to write about.  My husband thinks I always have something to say.  ~smile~
  Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the lost of your mother-in-law, bt knowing she's in heaven must be such a comfort :)

    Glad your computer is on the mend . Looking forward to read your next review.

  2. Jo,
    Thank you for your kind words. Knowing she is healthy and strong in Heaven is a comfort. I underestimated how much I would miss her. Thank you for your compassion.

  3. Grief takes time. And that is perfectly ok, to take time, to process it all, to feel and cry and be mad and numb and sad and grey and then happy all mixed up together. After all, the only way to really handle loss is to go through it, one day at a time, and let it go gently. Hang in there. =)


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor