Monday, February 12, 2024

Knitting for Joy 2023 Finishes

 Hello everyone!

Anyone who follows me on Instagram already knows that I was Knitting for Joy in 2023. That came about, because the year before, I found myself knitting a lot of projects with yarn I'd been given that simply did not bring joy to use. I was also knitting things that I felt like I needed to knit rather than things that I wanted to knit. In short, I just wasn't feeling the joy. 

Most of my knitting is either for gifts or charity. That didn't change in 2023, and it won't change for 2024 either. What did change was the kinds of things I knit, the yarn, needles, and notions I used, and most of all, my attitude. It was a good change. Now, I'd like to share photos of some of the things I knit last year. 

Brown Sugar Socks

Now I'm off to the races with hats and socks for this coming year. If you see me in person, you'll see knitting needles nearby!

You may view all of my knitting projects on

I'm HarvestLaneLaura.

God bless you all! 

Happy making!



  1. How fun to see all of the things you make for charity. I do the same. After all, how many hats and mittens can you use yourself? :-) When we lived in Spokane I knitted over 120 pair of mittens for the last 6 years we were there and donated them to an elementary school. Here, no one wanted them! So I've change my focus to prayer shawls for a local cancer center. They requested them so I'm happy to do it. I crochet some and knit some. Also wheelchair blankets, baby blankets, etc. It keeps me busy and out of trouble.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Wow! You had a very productive year.
    Your a very talented lady and a sweet one for
    donating your knitting.
    I wish I had your talent!
    Makes me want buy you some yarn.

  3. Wow - what a productive yarn year:) (ha...I made that up!) Such a blessing that you use your talent for charity and to bless others. Here's to another fun year of creating socks, gloves, hats etc!:)

  4. Hello! It's wonderful to hear about your journey to rediscover joy in knitting. It's so important to find fulfillment and happiness in our creative pursuits. It sounds like 2023 was a transformative year for you in terms of your knitting practice. Thank you for sharing your story. I invite you to read and share your views on my new post.

  5. Hi Laura, Oh I so know how you feel. I've been feeling the same way on sewing. I like to sew "Little Dresses for Africa" and I probably need an attitude adjustment too. One problem with me is my studio needed cleaning out, so I am trying to do that in ten minute increments. And my mom's broken hip has been a definite cloud. I *love* your projects, Laura. The hat and matching socks are adorable as all of the things here. I also love the tribute to what you love about your husband. That is wonderful! I'll have to go read on that, that is great. It's a beautiful thing to be able to speak well of our husbands. : )

    God bless you Laura, ~Amelia

  6. Well done! Such a lovely array of useful items. I have yet to try knitting socks. When my son was a teen, he knitted me several pairs, some being his own pattern creation.


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!