Sunday, July 26, 2009

Abundant Provision!

Just Saturday:

1. $5 Bag Sale at the Thrift Store. I'm really good at packing a bag! I spent about an hour and a half with my little kiddles searching for clothes for the family. We filled the brown paper grocery bag full! When I went to pay, the lady said, "It's taken care of. It was the Lord." After I realized what she was saying, I just felt overtaken by God's grace and provision! Wow God!  When Lowell unpacked the bag, we counted 23 items including three nice dress shirts for him and something for every family member including Grandma! Wow God!

2. We got the notebooks, pens, and pencils we need for the year at Walgreens for less than $5! Wow God!

3. Lowell went to Redeemed, a used bookstore that sells homeschool books and traded a couple of boxes of books that someone had given to us for the three readers that I need for Amy. He came home with $163 that I can use for other school things we need and the fees for Matthew's enrollment at the community college! Super-Wow God!

4. Matthew got a job! Wow God!

5. A free movie from Redbox for hubby and I to enjoy after the kids were in bed last night! We watched Inkheart. It was a good action movie. It was also funny in places. It's rated PG. I do not recommend it for children, however. Too scary in places and a swear word in an early scene that was inappropriate in a PG movie were enough to keep us from allowing our children to view it. Teens and above would be fine, however.
Wow God!

And I thought it was just going to be another rainy Saturday!

Thank You God for your abundant provision just when we needed it and when I needed encouragement!



  1. You put a smile on m face! Great to read your post on this Sunday!
    You are blessed!

    Alyzabeth’s Mommy for Ten Months!

  2. Sounds like a good day to me, the good Lord does provide!


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor