Sunday, December 10, 2023

Make It Yourself Gift Ideas ~ Handmade Christmas

Money tight? I feel you. With two weeks left until Christmas, many of us have more time than money. I can remember a few Christmas Eves when I was up until the wee hours making doll dresses for my girls. 

 If you're feeling the money crunch more than the time crunch, here are a few ideas for homemade gifts. 


  • Christmas is about Jesus
  • Christmas is about people not gifts
  • Being thrifty is no indication of your love and care for the recipient.
  • Use what you have on hand as much as possible. 
Now for the ideas:

Paper Craft
~ greeting cards 
~ decorate recipe cards

From the Needles
doll clothes
~ skirt
tablet stand
~ camera bean bag
~ key chain
~ Christmas stockings
~ hair baubles
casserole hot pad
~ drawstring bags
~ kitchen curtains
~ tote bag
~ pillow cases
~ crocheted chains for hair ribbons
tea towels
pacifier clip
~ accessory bag
earbud pouch
baby bib
~ tea wallet
~ socks
~ camera strap
~ Bible cover
mug rug
~ tissue holder

~ arrow holder (quiver)
~ CD holder for car
~ strap for guitar
~ ornaments
~ magnets
~ candles
~ soap
~ coasters

From the Kitchen
~ cookies
~ homemade vanilla
~ recipe scrapbook with photos or on large cards
~ bread
~ quick breads
~ homemade mixes

Acts of Service
~ all clothes ironed
~ clean out car
~ babysitting

Be creative! Your imagination and ingenuity can make a thrifty budget stretch far!

Happy Christmasing!



  1. those are some great ideas. I start making gifts in January for the next Christmas since I handknit socks for all of the adults in our family and their spouses. Usually it's 10-12 pair. Also this year I made Christmas stockings for our London kids and sweaters for all four grands. We also tried to pick up small items whenever we saw something one of the kids would like. Next year we're trimming down even more and going to try to make it even more homemade.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. I've been making gifts since January, too. I have knit a lot of socks, but have found I came up short on men's socks! Ugh. Not sure how I'm going to remedy that. Size 13 socks take me nearly a month to knit.

      Glad to hear you're doing so much handmade. I think it means a lot more.

  2. I don't know if I should be reading this so I stopped lol


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!