Monday, August 12, 2013

Each Day Had Its Own Proper Work

“In the mornings, Laura and Mary helped Ma wash the dishes and make the beds.  After this was done, Ma began the work that belonged to that day.  Each day had its own proper work.  Ma would say:  ’Wash on Monday, Iron on Tuesday, Mend on Wednesday, Churn on Thursday, Clean on Friday, Bake on Saturday, Rest on Sunday.’ ”
~ Little House in the Big Woods

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Have you been influenced by a teacher?  Pamela Higgs was my 4th and 5th grade teacher at McCarter Elementary in Topeka, Kansas.  It was right around the time of the American Bicentennial.  

Mrs. Higgs had a love for for children and a love for handcrafts.  She taught our class the basics of macrame, quilling, embroidery, hand sewing, and other crafts.  She also brought in people to demonstrate old-time crafts such as making butter, quilting, and spinning.  

My love of reading was encouraged as she read to us after lunch every day.  I remember Charlotte's Web, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and Ralph S. Mouse among others.  We'd lie our heads down on our desks while we listened to her soothing reading voice.  When she read Little House on the Prairie, a passion for Little House books, pioneer stories, old-time crafts, cooking, baking, and making things myself was born.   I saved my money and bought and read the Little House books over and over.  My favorite is still Little House in the Big Woods.  I love the descriptions of daily life.

That's been almost forty years ago now.  I still remember Mrs. Higgs fondly because her influence, along with the books of my childhood heroine, Laura Ingalls Wilder, strongly influenced who I am today.  

Each afternoon, as I left for home, I'd give her a peck on the cheek.  I loved her.  I still love her for what she did for me.  If I could, I'd give her a peck on the cheek today and say,  "Thank you, Mrs. Higgs.  Your love and influence changed my life."

Happy at Home

May I suggest?


  1. Hi Laura this is really weird but many many years ago when I was little I had a great love for reading (and still have it) and we had a big library van which used to come to our village every week. This was a highlight in the week to me and by chance I picked up Little House on the Prairie - we grew up loving films from the US about the cowboys and native Americans and this book just opened up all the stories I loved to hear. I did watch the series years ago on TV but they couldn't touch the stories I read and can still remember. I have decided after reading your post to get a copy again and start to reread this wonderful text. Thank you for helping me revisit a wonderful piece of literature Laura.
    Lots of love to you and your family, hope your hubby is enjoying his vacation.
    Lots of love

  2. Beautiful post and I can say I was lucky enough to have had some amazing teachers with 3 of them as real stand outs. Maggie

  3. Hi Margaret,
    I have three teachers that stood out for me. The other two were my high school sewing teacher and my high school English teacher. I home school my kids, but I have nothing but respect for good Christian teachers.

    Thanks so much for talking back. I'll be over in a few minutes for a visit!


  4. Hi Dorothy,
    Oh I'm so glad!

    Try Little House in the Big Woods. It's the first of the series.

    Lowell's loving his time off. He's been cooking up a storm. Tonight we'll have apple pie!


  5. That so wonderful! What an amazing lady you were blessed to be taught by!
    Best wishes

  6. Hi Jackie,

    I didn't realize there was a Ma Ingalls Recipe book. I had the Little House recipe book. I always thought I'd read the books to the children and make the recipes as we went, but I never did.

    Thanks for talking back!

    I'll be over for a visit in a few minutes!


  7. I was blessed indeed, Christine. Just dropped by for a visit. I enjoy seeing your needlework.


  8. I love to read and always have, even as a child. My sister in law hates to read for pleasure and I just can't understand that at all. She can't understand why I would consider reading fun, hahaha!

    We love LHOTP around here. My husband and youngest son went through the whole series together and I think our son was in his late teens by the time they finished the series, lol!

  9. I have a couple of teachers from my past that influenced me in positive ways both by their love for teaching what was good and their character. What a sweet teacher Mrs. Higgs must have been!
    Another reminder that our influence has far reaching results.
    : )

  10. You are so right, Gail. We'll never know all the ways we've influenced others.

    Blessings to you today!

  11. Hi Nan,
    My husband doesn't like to read for pleasure either. My kids look at him like he has grown a second head when he says something like that. ~smile~ We're all readers.

    We talked about it one evening. Lowell didn't have anyone read to him as a small child. He doesn't see the action happening in his mind like we do. It's sad, really.

    I cannot encourage mommas, aunties, and grammies enough to read to their children.

    Blessings to you,

  12. Wonderful post Laura, I also had some great teachers that influenced me!

  13. Ann,

    It's ironic that I homeschool. ~smile~


  14. What a lovely tribute to your teacher! Thank you for linking at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  15. Hi Marci,

    I'm sure most of us have had a blessed teacher who blessed us.
    I remember one college professor who told us at the beginning of
    the semester that we must listen carefully, because we never knew
    when she might share that one pearl of wisdom that we needed.

    Blessings to you,
    I'm on my way over for a visit.

  16. The best teacher's are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing this.

  17. I never got into the wilder books, but love things of home. Today, I love Beverly Lewis' books mostly because of the same reason that you like Laura's books. Home and family is a big influence in the Amish sagas.

  18. You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest GFC follower from the “Mix it up Monday“ blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:
    PS – I would also like to invite you to a networking blog hop that lasts 1 month long: “The Chain Linky CLIMB” currently live on my blog– Thank you! Chain Linky CLIMB

  19. Thanks Angelique! I'll be over to see your blog in a few minutes!



  20. Thanks Angelique! I'll be over to see your blog in a few minutes!



  21. Hi Abby/Linda,

    I enjoy Amish books for the same reason. I also like knowing that I don't have to worry about inappropriate behaviors. ~smile~ I've reviewed several. You can see them in my book review section.


  22. My 4th grade teacher was a saint. I swear that woman had a halo or wings. She was sent from heaven above to a lost and very sad little girl. I LOVE Little House books and re-read them every winter.

  23. Hi Michal,

    We read at least the first three every winter for quite awhile. I think it's time to try again with my 12 year old daughter. I'll be over to visit your blog in a few minutes.



  24. I'd love to go to some of the museums. I live only about an hour and a half from Mansfield, but I haven't been there. I'm glad to help you remember. God bless!


  25. Thought you might want to know that LIW has an autobiography to be published this September. Just read this in the news yesterday and thought you might want to know. A manuscript was found that Laura and daughter Rose tried to get published, but couldn't. It's for the adult reader, and apparently reveals the darker side to her pioneer family life. Title is Pioneer Girl - the annotated autobiography. Google it and you'll find news articles on it.

  26. Thank you for sharing that with me Janet. I just googled it.

  27. I love the Laura Ingalls Wilder books - this would be a marvelous read and great quote too! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  28. Hi Kathy,
    My children will soon be 13, 15, and 17. (One out of home, too.) I am hoping that this fall and winter we can read the Little House books one more time for old time's sake. They grow up much to fast while we're doing dishes and laundry.


  29. Laura, I LOVED reading about how your love for sewing and all things home came to be!! What a beautiful legacy that teacher left for you and her students!

    When I first began reading this post, I smiled. One of my favorite quotes from the Little House on the Praire TV show was when Caroline said that "every day has its work".

    I still have to read Little House in the Big Woods. I have read several of the other books in the series already. Welp, I need to download the ones I haven't read yet to my new Kindle app and get to reading them. I absolutely LOVE them!

    Thanks for sharing the link to this post for me! It was a blessing to read. :-)

  30. Oh Karen, you must read all the Little House books. You will enjoy them so much—even as an adult.

    I enjoyed your comments so much. Thank you for "talking back".

  31. What an awesome testament to a great teacher. Teachers really can shape the lives of their students.

    And I think I am going to have to read these books with my children. I have the whole set but if I ever read them, I was very young and don't remember. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Awesome post! Having great teachers can have such an impact on a person's life. I'm glad you had such a special one!


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane