Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ February 12, 2018

As I write ...  Monday Afternoon

The weather.... If I'd written this yesterday afternoon, there would be ice everywhere. Today, it's sunny and growing warmer, so the ice is melting.

Right now I am... sharing a Snickers candy bar with my daughter. Thank you Amy!

Thinking... that I need to leave for errands soon.

A quote to share... 
On my reading pile...   
Favorite blog post last week...  
Something fun to share... 

On the menu for this week... Once again, mealtimes will be at odd times. I wonder if this is how it will be for the remaining years of adult children at home?
Last week, my husband went to the store and bought canned soups, easy foods, salad and sandwich fixin's. I am going to "go with the flow" this week, also, since I'm still taking my radiation treatments. I have chicken leg quarters thawing in the fridge. They will most likely become a soup in a day or two. I also have ground chuck thawing. I'm thinking about meatloaf. It's an old-fashioned favorite.
On my to do list... 
  • Do some things on my bucket list.
  • Radiation daily
  • Laundry - I didn't get it done last week.
In the workbasket...  Oh so much to do!
  • I finished garnet hat to leave at the chemo center. I am currently working on a yellow cotton hat. I hope to have at least three hats to donate when I go to treatment next week. I also hope to pick up some yarn that was donated to the center so that I can make another hat or two. It's a way for me to give, to practice my knitting skills, and be thrifty all at once. Believe it or not, when I finish this yellow hat, I will have only one skein of yarn left! I've knitted and crocheted through everything else! Imagine that! No yarn stash!
  • I need to hem my husband's jeans which have been waiting for me for months. Blush!
  • I have a few items in the mending pile.
  • If I finish all of these things, I may cut out a simple skirt.
  • Oh, I just remembered, I started an apron months ago before I was diagnosed. I'd forgotten about it. I think I may need to find it. 
  • I can always work on the little quilts for donation.
  • I can always hand stitch my Emily's quilt.
Looking forward to this week...
  • Tuesday - Knitting group at The Brew coffee shop
  • Wednesday - Church  
  • Thursday - Lunch with my friend Sherry
  • Friday - Homeschool co-op
  • Saturday - bowling 

Looking around the house...  My motto has become, "I can only do what I can do." My daughters have helped me this past week. Most notably, the floors all got mopped! Yay!

From the camera... 
Constant Comment is my very favorite tea.

On my prayer list...
  • Peace of Jerusalem and Israel
  • Wisdom, health, and protection for President Trump, Vice-President Pence, and their families. 
  • Healing for our country so that we may be ONE nation under God.
  • Radiation will not harm my heart or lungs, and that I will be brave.
  • Cancer will die the death in my body. My heart, brain, organs, spleen, and healthy cells will be protected. I will live and not die and declare the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Psalm 118:17

My prayer for you, my reader...

Jesus, I thank you that you hear our prayers. Father, I thank you for sending Jesus. Holy Spirit, I thank you for being our comforter and our teacher. Lord God, three in one, I thank you that you personally know each one of my readers. You know each one's needs, fears, hopes, problems, pains, and illnesses. I ask you God to speak directly to each one, to meet each person's needs, and heal each physical problem. Bless each spiritually, physically, socially, and financially. I ask it all by the power of the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thanks for dropping by!
Please say hello.
Trusting in God's timing, provision, and healing power

Joining with Sandra at Happy Homemaker Monday.
Homemaking Party


  1. Hi Laura!
    God Is Wonderful and I know He will bless you and your family.
    We'll be praying for you.
    Have a blessed week!

  2. So love that saying "I can only do what I can do." We all need to say that at times.
    God bless you on this continuing journey. I continue to pray for your complete healing and that you are back to 'normal' soon.

  3. I'm amazed at all you are doing with radiation treatments! Your list was fun to read through and I clicked on several of your links. I like your winter bucket list. I just prayed for you. xo Deborah

  4. Hello again sweet friend! I pray God bless all that you do this week! We just enjoyed pancakes for supper. Prayers!

  5. Glad you're doing well this week. I've been avoiding the sewing basket forever! Meatloaf does sound good, with mash potatoes and corn too.

  6. Laura,

    Thank you so much for sharing my blog post here! : )

    I always enjoy reading about your week. I love the quote about prayer, it is so true.

    Constant Comment is one of my favorite tea flavors too! I found decaf Constant Comment tea and my little girl loves it as much as I do.

    May you have a blessed week!!


  7. When are you resting? I'm sure that is to be in there some where
    You may not be doing heavy things but you are still pretty busy.
    God's blessings right back to you. It's really nice knowing someone is praying for me.

  8. Hello sweet friend!
    Snickers were a favorite of my daddy!
    Keep doing what you are doing.
    That is enough!
    Hugs and prayers always!

  9. Enjoyed reading your post, my friend, and I love the tea pic! You and your Constant Comment! I know it's your favorite! Thinking of you and praying over you always! See you soon! I love you! Oh! And HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! <3

  10. HOw sweet of you to make hats to leave there for other women who are going through what you are too my friend. You will be proud of me...Jeff and I did something that was on our Bucket List this past weekend. I'll be doing a blog post on it mid week. ;)

  11. I enjoy reading Mrs. White's blog posts too. She helps me to refocus on home and why it's important! It sounds like you are breezing right on through your radiation.... I hope so??? Have a great week!

  12. I also have a little teapot like this and brew in it Constant Comment tea. Frequently I add a bag of this tea when I am making iced tea and, yes, people always comment on it. God bless!

  13. What no yard stash? quick are camels gathering? Is there a star in the east?

  14. Love the quote :I can do only what I can" So true. Laura you are always in my prayers.

  15. Hola mi querida hermanita, deseo con todo mi corazón, estés teniendo una semana bendecida, y que puedas llevar a cabo lo que te has propuesto ,con la ayuda santa y buena del amado. Muchos besitos mi niña, te llevo en mis oraciones😘😘🙏🙏

  16. Enjoyed the post..
    Praying for you and your radiation treatments. Know this is really hard.
    Don't worry about chores, It will all get done..Right now..just take care of sweet Laura..[so sweet of the kids/hubby helping you out..]
    God is awesome.. love seeing how He is blessing you.

  17. Constant Comment is my favorite tea also, the spices and bit of orange just smells like a hug to me!!!! Still enjoying your blog. praying for continued success with your treatment. Enjoy this crazy Missouri weather.. Sherri from Pleasant Hill MO

  18. Love reading your posts! Am amazed at all that you do while having radiation treatments. May I humbly suggest that you look into the relation of sugar and cancer? I'm just concerned! Sugar feeds cancer. Linn


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane