Thursday, February 13, 2025

What Do You Have in Your Hand? Doing With What You've Got!

Are you content?

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, He asked Moses, 
"What do you have in your hand?"
 That's a good question for us, too. Often we think of all the things we need that we don't have. This can lead to whining, discouragement and discontentment.
It's a slippery slope that can lead to depression.

So what can we do?

Look around your home.
Make a list of what you DO have to work with.
What can you do with it?

  • Make an inventory list of food in your pantry, your fridge, your freezer. What can you make from it?
  • Make an inventory list of the fabrics, trims, notions, and craft supplies on hand. What can you make from them? Think birthday, wedding, baby and Christmas gifts.
  • What do you have on hand that could be sold on Ebay, Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, another online site, at a consignment store, or at a yard sale?
The key to not being discouraged 
by circumstances is to
think about possibilities 
not impossibilities. 

So, look at what you have in your hand, then ask God to show you what you can do with it. Ask Him for wisdom. Believe that He will give it to you.
He's waiting for your questions. Do not doubt it. He has promised to supply all your needs, but he expects you to use what you have in your hands.

God bless you all!

Still working on it myself,

This article was published in issue #128 of 
The Christian Home Magazine.


*Do what you can quote is from President Teddy Roosevelt.


Repost from 1/25/17


  1. Love! I may need to read this daily for some encouragement. I needed this tonight. Our air conditioner is in need of repair and I have been stewing about it all evening. Feeling like we keep getting kicked and will never get ahead. :) I will instead count my blessings that our neighbor, who works in HVAC, came down tonight and told us it needs a new fan. Saving us a service call. He is going to try to get one at the shop tomorrow so we will only need to pay for the part and something for his trouble. Praying it is inexpensive! Also happy that he told us to keep it running and showed hubby how to jump start the fan if needed. The fan might burn out, but there is a safety that will shut it off if that happens. Thankful we have air at this moment and praying it can keep going until the part is found and installed. It is all about perspective. Thank you for helping me to see that once again.

  2. Greeting from down under!! I have been following for a while and am so enjoying your writings. I have a similar quote to yours which I copied from my boss's notice board and put on my fridge. It is attributed to St Mary of the Cross MacKillop who founded the Sisters of St Joseph here in Oz. It says: Do all you can with the means at your disposal amd calmly leave the rest to God. I find this calms me when I am feeling overwhelmed. I so enjoy your blog and find your positive perspective on life very inspiring. Cheers from Liz in Oz.

  3. So true. What we have in our hand. We are so blessed by what God has already given us, thanks for the reminder to see it. Have a blessed day!

  4. What a wonderful thought, and really got my "wheels turning"! Thank you, friend. :)

    1. Hmmm... you may have fewer things in your hand than anyone I know!

      Hugs to you,

  5. Such good advice Laura! It's so important to be thankful for what we have and not dwell on what we don't. I feel I have an over abundance and would happily send somethings to you to work with if I had some idea of what you might like. Chances are I might have it on hand. :)

    1. Wow Jann, I don't know what to say! I sent you a private email. You are so sweet to even think of this!!!

  6. I so needed to hear hear this message. I have a big old ugly case of the "I want's" lately. Ultimately, I have everything I already need.

  7. Great message. Thank you for sharing.

  8. My 2016 mantra has been to use what I have - not just with craft supplies, but in decorating. I used to drop by TJ Maxx all the time just to see what they had and always ended up buying things I don't really need. Now when I get an idea, I look around the house, garage, and attic to see what I can use.

    My motivation isn't saving money, that's a bonus. My goal is to decrease the amount of stuff we have.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. I know what you mean. I'm thinking of wrapping up some of my nice books that I no longer need and giving them as gifts. I don't mind second hand, and neither do my friends.

      Be blessed and purge my dear! I'm trying to get myself in that mindset.


  9. Good stuff. I actually made a Fiber Art piece with all kids of hands and titled it, "What's in your Hand?"

    1. I'll bet that was a wonderful project Julie. I'd love to see a photo.

      Be blessed!

  10. You're such an inspiration, Laura! Thanks for "connecting the dots" for us here--I love your application of God's words to Moses.

    Thank you for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I'm featuring you this week!

    1. You are so kind Richella. Thank you for the encouragement. I'll be by for a visit soon.
      God bless you,

  11. This is some more really great advice :) Thanks again for sharing with us at the To grandma's House we go link party! Pinned!

  12. A very good post, Laura!
    I do need to work on this in myself.
    Think leaky kitchen sink pipe, and watching the rain come inside the house all week long, and watching the Town drain water wash away my entire driveway, and carport gravels this winter.
    But you know, even with these most difficult of problems, the old place is still mine, and I love my home.
    I did use what I had and made that fruit salad for the potluck tonight, the one I mentioned to you earlier in the week.
    I came home with only a small serving left, it seemed everyone did enjoy it.

    1. Ah Annie, I can relate. We have troubles when it rains, too. I'm glad you made the salad. It's a happy, isn't it?

      Have you seen this post I wrote awhile back?
      An Open Letter to a Lady Discouraged by Poverty

  13. This is so encouraging to me! Our family tends to experience financial issues in waves. We have times of debilitating financial trouble followed by seasons of plenty and extra---and it's been like this all our 18 years together! I've learned the importance of preparing for those harder times during the better times and eBay and Etsy have been my close friends for many years! Ha! I don't know why God has our family on this particular path but I've learned he can do a whole lot with the little bit I have in my hands!

    1. God is so good to us even in the hard times. We have had a similar cycle in our family. The most stable ten years were also those in which God gave us our last three children. It's been much tougher the last 13 years. But we always make it. God is good.

  14. I LOVE this post! This is a perfect way to stop and think a moment on the creativity that God has given each of us! So blessed with this post. Thank you!

    1. Dear Lynzie,
      Thanks so much for your comment. God is so good to us no matter what. We are the most creative when we ask for him to help us and inspire us.
      Mrs. Lane

  15. Yes, we all need to see and appreciate what we do have instead of worrying about what we don't have. Thank you for the nice reminder!

  16. What a positive uplifting post Laura! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  17. Hi Laura, I'm a long time reader I don't post often. But this is a wonderful message that I need to hear also. Thank you so much. Bless you!

    1. Oh Laurie, I'm so very glad to hear from you. I'm also glad that the message came at a good time for you.Be blessed,Laura

  18. I have actually been checking Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace regularly because my first thought was that there would be people who would have to see things to make ends meet during this crisis.

    1. After we moved into our home last summer, we had a client that didn't pay a large bill. OUCH! We spent the next several months trying to catch up and make due. In the process, we sold many things on Facebook Marketplace. It helped us to make it through even though ends didn't quite meet for several months. ~smile~ Thank you for trying to help people out by purchasing from individuals and small businesses.Sending a germ free hug,Laura

  19. I needed a birthday gift, so I went onto Ravelry for a free pattern. Using cotton yarn I had on hand, I made a French Market Tote. Yes, I wished I could buy the yarn that was recommended instead of using what I had on hand, but sickness and unemployment has made it very necessary for me to be prudent with the funds we do have. Thank you for the inspiration!

  20. Glad I stopped by....lot of good advise and wisdom in this post. Your words are very encouraging. This week, I have been doing reduce inventory from the freezer and pantry...feels good.

    1. I have been trying to "eat down" my freezer, too. I want to clean it out and start over. It's been a good time to do it since Januarys always seem a bit lean. Februarys are better.Today, I'm cutting napkins from an old flannel sheet. I'll probably stitch the edges tomorrow or Monday.May God bless you!Laura

  21. This is a very encouraging post. I do try to use what I have but I also am spending when I don't truly need to.
    The Lord has blessed me in so many ways.

    1. I spend when I shouldn't, too, sometimes. I need to buckle down.

  22. We just restocked a bit in our freezer as it was pretty bare. I hope it lasts a good long while. I'm using all of my scrap balls of worsted yarn to make mittens again for elementary kids. I'm so glad I've found a school that would like them for the next school year. Yay!

    1. Betsy, donating mittens is a marvelous idea!

      I'll give that some thought!

  23. What a great reminder, Laura! It's just good stewardship to use what we already have. With ads all over tv and social media, it's tough to stay the course and remember that we don't have to give in to the constant pressure to buy something new. Thanks for this :)


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane