Monday, March 10, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ March 20, 2025


Joining with Sandra @ Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather....  Sunny and 46°

Right now I am.... Writing to you. I watched a video about train travel that my husband sent to me just before I started writing.

Thinking....  of what I should do today. I'm feeling under the weather; but, I want to do something thrifty.

On my reading pile.... Once again this week, the focus this week will be Bible, Anne of Green Gables, and my Western Heritage Reader for my free Hillsdale college online class. On Everand, I'll be listening to The Wings of Poppy Pendleton by Melanie Dobson. She has such a terrific imagination that builds sets and action and characters in my mind.

On my TV.... We are watching Miss Scarlet and The Duke Season 2 on Prime Masterpiece Theater. It is a detective story set in 19th century London. It's rare that my husband and I find a program we both enjoy. It's nice to watch this together. I just saw that this can be bought on DVD. We may consider purchasing the next season rather than paying for the streaming service.

Favorite blog post last week.... Creative Rest by Debbie Slaughter at Millie's Cozy Cottage

Something fun to share.... I went for a walk on a trail with my husband, daughter, and my 17 month old grandson Saturday. It was so fun to see him stop in fascination at so many things along the path. My daughter has asked that I not share photos of him on the blog. I am respecting her wishes and his privacy. 

A Simple pleasure.... Enjoying Constant Comment tea in the hand thrown mug my husband gave me for my birthday last May. It's made my writing more pleasurable this morning.

Blog hopping.... It is Time GDonna has taught me a lot.

On the menu for this week.... 
Monday ~ pork chops
Tuesday ~ Ham 'n beans and cornbread
Wednesday ~ Hamburgers
Thursday ~ Company ~ Ham steak. I'm keeping it simple, since I will work Thursday.
Friday ~ We're hosting a game night at church. I've got to think up a snack/appetizer type dish to take.

On my to do list.... Laundry, cleaning, subbing at the junior high, and company coming 

In the craft basket.... I've always got socks on the needles! I'm also doing a bit of mending and cutting project bags. Here's the one I finished last week. 

Looking forward to this week.... I'm getting together with one of my dear friends, Sarah Coller, from My Granny Era. We're going to go for Mexican for lunch, thrift shop, hit some Little Free Libraries, and maybe even craft. I'm going to talk to her about YouTube. I've been considering beginning a channel myself. I'll also talk to her about Etsy if we have time. Her shop is Sarah's Hope Cottage.

Looking around the house.... My workroom is messy. I've got some cleaning and organizing to do. It's in an enclosed back porch. My husband is going to start seeds on a table that I need to vacate. ~smile~

From the camera.... We finally did a big shop. We bought meat on sale at the butcher shop as well as a couple of packages of chicken from Walmart. We got a lot of meals for the two of us out of about $80 worth of meat. My husband used the Food Saver* to vacuum pack the meat in 2 serving packages. 

On my prayer list.... The peace of Jerusalem. Salvation for prodigals. 

Bible verse, Devotional....

Today's Question:  What is on your menu this week?

Please say hello!
Have a great week!

*Amazon affiliate link

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This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane