The weather.... Sunny and 55°
Right now I am.... Writing blog posts and visiting commenters' blogs.
Thinking.... of ways to make myself more focused and calm.On my reading pile.... The focus this week will be Bible, Anne of Green Gables, and my Western Heritage Reader for my free Hillsdale college online class.
On my TV.... My husband likes The Voice. I watch it with him for together time while I knit socks.
Favorite blog post last week.... Monday Morning Coffee
Something fun to share.... I put a book for my grandson in my Amazon cart.
Blog hopping.... Living from Glory to Glory, Milly's Cozy Cottage
On the menu for this week.... I'm still doing off the cuff meals to use up what we have in the freezer and cupboards.
On my to do list.... Laundry, cleaning, oncologist appointment for a check up
In the craft basket.... I've always got socks on the needles! I'm also doing a bit of mending and sewing project bags.
Looking forward to this week.... Knitting with friends on Friday
Looking around the house.... Messy. I've got some cleaning and organizing to do.
From the camera.... I've been using up odds and ends of thread. I love it when people give me fabric, yarn, and thread they no longer need! It's truly a blessing! When it's sock yarn? All the better!
Bible verse, Devotional....
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This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Laura Lane