Friday, March 1, 2013

Snow Day Snow Play

Snow Day Snow Play what better way to spend a snowy morning than to build a snowman  snowmomma?  Amy and Michael had great fun this week playing in the snow.  I have fond memories of playing in the snow as a child.  I lived in Michigan for a couple of years as a young child then
moved to Topeka, Kansas in second grade.  I grew up with snow.  I love snow.  I went to college in Oklahoma.  When it snowed there, it was scary.  They didn't know how to drive in it! 

Skip ahead a few years....

Now our family lives in Southwest Missouri.  I love living here except for one thing.  Snow is an event.  At least it's an event for me.  It's an annoyance for most people, I'm afraid.  A couple of winters ago, it snowed and snowed and snowed.  Lowell was working in Kansas City.  We were home with no car and were snowed in five days at a time!  Stir crazy?  Yes a little.  Love it?  Yes a lot!

Last year, no snow. ~frown~ I didn't complain to God, because I knew that there was a lot of work that needed to be done in Joplin to recover from the tornado.  This year it appeared that we would have no snow again.  I was sad.  I'm thrilled that last week and this week we've had a little snow.  It was quickly cleaned off the roads, so it isn't such an annoyance for folks.  Me?  I'm reveling in it. 

What about you?  Do you like snow?  Do you have a snow memory that you'd share with us?

Shared with:
Your Thriving Family

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Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor