Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Planning and Making Do... What I Hope I Get Done This Week!

Hello Ladies!

So good of you to drop in today.  If you stopped by yesterday, you may have seen  this post in all its confusion.  I hit publish instead of save and didn't realize it until Miss Dorothy wrote a comment to me, and it showed up in my e-mail inbox!  Talk about keeping it real!  So, please accept my apology.  Let's try again!

I've been thinking of things I would like to get done over the next week or so.  You know how it is.  Always something to do.  So, here are some things I hope to do this week.  I think I'll come back here and change the items to italics as I do them just to give myself a little encouragement along the way.

~ I'm in the mood for some old-fashioned oatmeal cookies.  I've baked with this recipe ever since I was a little girl.  I have no idea where it originated. 

~ I'm going to have my son look for another Chicken of the Woods mushroom to make Cream of Mushroom Soup.  None found. :(
~ Kombucha tea 

~ I think our Romaine lettuce will be ready.

Canning or Freezing:
I'm not sure yet.  I don't think anything will be ready to can from the garden.  If I find a good sale on berries, I might make some jam.  

YouVersion's 60 Day New Testament Reading Plan.  I'll finish the Gospels and begin Acts.  I'm way ahead of the reading plan.  Most days it calls for 3 or 4 chapters.  I'm accustomed to reading or listening to several chapters.  Sometimes I use Bible Gateway and listen until I need to do something else. ~smile~

~ I'm also reading  Buttons and Bones* by Monica Ferris.  I borrowed it from the library.  It's a cozy mystery book.  That means I can read it without worry that it will be filled with bad language, s--, or unnecessary crime details, if you know what I mean.  I just get to try to solve the clues along with amateur detective Betsy Devonshire, a needlework shop owner.  It's just a fun read. 

~ Three missing library books... 

~ Ladies' Quilting Group on Tuesday.  Cut strips for a new quilt.
~ Cut out my black dress.
~ Patch yet another pair of my son's jeans.  He needs a new hobby.  Tearing his jeans is not thrifty and frugal, but mending them is!  If I am inspired and have time, I'll finish cutting out a new black dress with little red cherries on it.

I have homework for two classes at church.
~ I'm studying the book Love and Respect * with my husband in the couples' class.
~ I'm studying Girls with Swords* with my daughter in the ladies' class.

~ Mail an order I received through my Etsy shop this evening.
~ Photograph new handbags I've finished.
~ List new bags in Etsy shop.
~ Write a review.

If I finish all this list, I'll have been very busy indeed.  I also need to spend time with my kids and do some ironing and cleaning.  Thanks so much for dropping in!  I'd love to hear some of your plans for this week.  It's so nice to have a chat over the back fence  internet with you today!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Happy at Home
May I suggest?


  1. Hi Laura I love to hear your news and am inspired by your energy and warmth. You have so much to do but you do so with a positive force. You have a wonderful blog, thank you for sharing your life with us all.
    Lots of love

  2. Oh Dorothy,

    I'm grinning at myself. You've just seen me in all my disorganized reality. I hadn't finished that post yet. I hadn't even finished making my to do list! ~smile~ I must have hit publish instead of save draft. I didn't even realize it. So, it won't show up on the blog until I finish it. It will probably be tomorrow morning.

    I did finally get a batch of Kombucha tea started today. I've been planning to do it for weeks. Something always gets in the way or I get lazy. Oh well! Speaking of putting things off too long, I have an appointment for my kitty to get spayed Thursday. My husband picked her up and said, "I think Rukia (Roo-key-uh) is pregnant again. I picked her up, and she does indeed have a swollen belly. It's only been a month since she stopped nursing! I definitely need to have a talk with her about modesty, morality, and where kittens come from!

    Blessings to you sweet encourager!

  3. Hi Laura again, I wondered why the pictures hadn't shown up but thought it must be my computer! I always blame the technology as I don't really understand it. Seriously I realty enjoy reading your blog - unfortunately I am on a treadmill at work - I do love my work as I am involved in adults going into university but, at times, I wish I had more of 'me' time. You are a breath of fresh air to me Laura. Have a really great week.
    Lots of love

  4. Iron on patches inside of your son's jeans at the knees to prolong wear.


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!