Sunday, June 24, 2018

Getting Closer to the Finish Line With Herceptin Breast Cancer Treatment

Update on me:

It's medical week. That means limited productivity. But I'm getting closer to the finish line for the final chemo treatments.

I see the doctor or nurse practitioner on Monday or Tuesday then have a Herceptin treatment by IV on Wednesday every 3 weeks. It takes all morning. I then go home and go to bed for the rest of the day. I feel pretty fatigued for a few days, then I improve.

I will finish my year of Herceptin treatments on July 18th if all goes according to plan.

I'll keep seeing my cancer doctor and having tests but less often as time goes by.  I'll have another surgery this fall. I also have a 💊 pill I must take for 5 years to help prevent recurrence.

It's my understanding that the difference between remission and cancer-free is five years. I say in Jesus' name I am cancer-free now!

I will never be able to thank you all enough for going through this with me. Your comments, emails, cards, letters, and gifts have encouraged me enormously.

I've still got a long way to go, but the worst of it all is behind me. God has been so very good to me. Y'all have been part of the good. All good gifts come from the father of lights in whom there is no shadow of turning.

Breast Cancer Survivor
Continuing the Battle


  1. Thinking of you! Yes, you are a survivor!!

  2. I have been away from blogging for a bit but I am so happy to see a post from you here. It sounds like you are doing really well and tolerating the treatment. I know it is not easy but I know that you can do this, too.

    Hang in there -My husband in is his 3+ year of being CANCER-FREE! You will be there, too. xo Diana

  3. Oh my dearest friend,
    I am so thankful that you are nearing the end of carrying this heavy cross. You have been a model of faith and trust. I will continue to pray for you! Prayers!

  4. Amen, I stand in agreement that in jesus name you are cancer free now !!!. What a blessing the body of Christ near and far has lifted you up through this awful time. I bet your a different person (even better) now because of all you've been through. Blessings to you ~ Linda

  5. You have been through so much and you are so close to being on the other side of it now. Your sweet spirit and faith in our God has truly been shining throughout your journey. I continue to pray for complete healing for you. So good to hear from you!

  6. That is good news! Just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel gives hope. It won't be long until you can just look back on it all and be thankful and go on with your life. God is our healer! I have been sidelined for 4 weeks with an infection in my connective tissue. I have literally done nothing but rest and so I have thought of you and prayed for you often, my friend. I pray your friend Deb is on the mend and doing much better.

  7. I am glad to hear that the worst is over for you. Then I pray that life will get better and better for you. I pray that the next five years plus will be cancer free for you. May God bless you and your family. Love, Gla

  8. my dear friend Laura, who strengthens yours and who encourages everything. I know that you feel supported by many friends in the network among which I am. I feel like I've known you all my life ... You know, it's that you're a very special person, yes, a lot!
    The cancer will go away forever and you will continue to give away smiling smiles, recipes to save money, and show you how happy you are.
    Dear friend, you are always in my prayers and talks with Jesus. I talk to him about our things every day, and you are one of them.
    All the love for you of this Spanish woman who one day found you in these cybernetic worlds.

  9. Nice hearing from you Laura. So happy that you are finishing up with the treatment. you are always in my prayers.

  10. Praying for you! Hoping you won't feel too bad and if you do that it passes quickly... hugs!


  11. Congratulations. Will overpaying and looking towards remission.

  12. Nice to hear that you are going to finish your chemo treatments. Lets hope for the beat and be more healthy and active:)

  13. God Bless you Laura, what a joy to hear you are closer to crossing the finish line of your battle with cancer. Keep your arm linked with the Lord and you will ALWAYS be a winner. I am so happy you have shared your faith and struggles with us..what an encouragement you have been. Thank you dear friend, sending you a gentle hug across the miles. Karla

  14. To God Be All the Glory For What He Has Done!! I am so thankful for how he has blessed you.

  15. I will continue to go with you on this journey in prayer and love my friend.

  16. It's good to see an update and that you are doing so well! God bless you! Thank you for always encouraging others!

  17. I'm very glad to hear this good news! I know that with each passing month/then year, you will feel better and better.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane