Tuesday, January 31, 2023

On My Needles, What I'm Reading ~ January 31, 2023

Knitting and reading in my free time and little bits of snatched time are two of my favorite ways to enrich my life. 

Foggy Gray Socks
HarvestLaneLaura on Ravelry.com

On my needles...

I've been knitting and pearling the cuffs of my Foggy Gray Socks. They're the first pair of socks that I will finish in 2023. The gray socks are joyful for me, because I know the pattern and can do it easily. No fretting over what to do next! But, I'm looking forward to casting on something bright for February! Gray in January wasn't too exciting. ~smile~

My choices for February Socks
Which would you choose next?

I've decided that I am Knitting for Joy in 2023. I'm not going to knit anything I don't want to knit or feel obligated to knit or finish. I'm going to enjoy the process! Join me and use hashtag #knittingforjoy2023 on Instagram.


What I'm Reading...

I am focusing on two books this week.

I'm listening on Scribd.*

I listened to The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder The Frontier Landscapes That Inspired The Little House Books by Marta McDowell and read by Donna Postel. As someone who read the Little House books growing up, and has read them frequently through adulthood both with my children and alone, this book was wonderful to listen to. I have one more chapter, and I have truly enjoyed it and learned from it. Donna Postel is an excellent narrator. Well done to author and reader. See below how you can listen for free on Scribd

I am also reading the paper version of Little House on Rocky Ridge by Roger Lee McBride. It picks up the Little House story when Laura, Manly, and Rose are On the Way Home to Mansfield, Missouri. I'm about half way through and loving it. It has the same tone as the Little House books and is written from Rose's point of view. 

Have a homemade, handmade, heartmade thrifty week! 

*P.S  I love Scribd. You pay one low monthly fee, and you can listen to all the audiobooks and read all the ebooks you want. No extra charges!   If you use my link, you'll get a 2 month free trial of Scribd, and I will get a free month as well. I'm not an affiliate, it's just a neat perk that they have for their subscribers who tell their friends.

Find me online:

on Goodreads
2023 4 Books read Goal 51

on Ravelry

Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase anything after using one of my links, I'll receive a small commission with no cost to you. 

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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!