Monday, May 2, 2022

Laura Lately

My husband used gas points to save thirty cents a gallon on gas 
We ate ham and beans and froze the rest for upcoming meals.

My daughter found her wedding dress at a church sale. The entire sanctuary was filled with racks of wedding dresses! She found a beautiful dress for $50. When she went up to pay, the lady said, "That was on the half off rack!" A splendid dress for only $25! My girl was thrifty and thrilled!


  1. That sounds like a great price on the wedding dress! How exciting!

  2. So exciting!!!!! Happy to visit here. It is always so upbeat and cozy!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. Your blog is always a joy to visit.

  3. What a wonderful find! I bet your daughter was thrilled!

  4. So happy she found her gown! Amazing! I always enjoy your money savings thrifty posts! Blessings. Annie

    1. Hi Annie,
      This post was actually from last summer. I posted it wrong. It's still an amazing find.
      She's very happy.


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor