Wednesday, June 14, 2023

3 Word Review: In This Moment by Gabrielle Meyer

 I loved it!

Seriously, this book is excellent. Gabrielle Meyer created a trio of storylines that were at once captivating and believable. Not an easy task for a time travel type book. In This Momentis the second of the Timeless series. I also reviewed When the Day Comes last summer when it was released. Loved it, too! 

If you like clean historical fiction, read these books. If you like clean historical romance, read these books. In This Moment has some kissing, but I cannot remember anything that would make a lady blush in it. Remember when ladies blushed? Here's a bit from the publisher about In This Moment.

From the Back Cover

Maggie inherited a gift from her time-crossing parents that allows her to live three separate lives in 1861, 1941, and 2001. Each night, she goes to sleep in one time period and wakes up in another. Until she turns twenty-one, when she will have to forfeit two of those lives--and everyone she knows in them--forever.

In 1861, Maggie is the daughter of a senator at the outbreak of the Civil War, navigating a capital full of Southern spies and wounded soldiers. In 1941, she is a navy nurse, grappling with her knowledge of the future when she joins a hospital ship going to Pearl Harbor. And in 2001, she's a brilliant young medical student, fulfilling her dream of becoming a surgeon.

While Maggie has sworn off romance until she makes her final choice, an intriguing man tugs at her heart in each era, only complicating the impossible decision she must make, which looms ever closer. With so much on the line, how can Maggie choose just one life to keep and the rest to lose?
My Thoughts:
I didn't even have to read the description of the book to know I wanted to read it. When the Day Comes blew me away last year. 
The three time periods Gabrielle chose were powder kegs in history. Maggie's personality is developed through all three periods, and she's responsible, remarkable, kind, and a most likeable young woman in all three. Her journey through the three lifetimes challenges her in her views of herself, of God, and how she fits into the world around her. 

There's nothing that I can write that will fully explain how suspenseful this book is or how it will capture your attention. You'll need time to read. You'll want time to read. You'll snatch moments to read!

I do recommend that you read the first book first. However, this is also a stand alone book.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

I use the Goodreads star system.
★               Did not like it
★★            It was okay
★★★         Liked it
★★★★      Really liked it
★★★★★   It was amazing

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1 comment:

Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane