Monday, November 6, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week ~ November 6, 2023

 Hello dear ladies,

 Every time I write, I feel like it's been too long. I'm afraid I've been distracted lately. For instance:

  • My husband hit a deer and totaled our car a little over a week ago. Still waiting to hear from insurance, so I'm still stranded at home. On a good note, I'm getting a little break from subbing!
  • I went to a nearby city for emergency dental work for a broken tooth. 
  • I went to a retreat with our fiber guild. OH, it was filled with temptation! There were so many ladies spinning and both ladies and a gentleman weaving. I knitted all weekend. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to try spinning and weaving. I just don't need another hobby... especially not an expensive one!
 Anyhow, here I am now to share my reading with you.

   I've been listening to John Adams by David McCullough for months. I finished last week. It was 30 hours long, but it was worth it. When the Bible said, "There's nothing new under the sun," it was true. The partisan politics that divide the United States and other countries as well, was alive and thriving in an ugly was shortly after our country was born, probably even before The Declaration of Independence was signed. 

 I also finished Stranded by McCourtney, The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst (an excellent book I want to read again), and To Helveltica and Back by Paige Shelton.

 Now, I'm sitting here with the fragrance of my pumpkin and salted caramel candle wafting around me and thinking of which books I'd like to focus on this week. I have a tendency to get many books going at once, but I want to try to be a little more focused for the next couple of months.

 I currently have a book checked out on inter-library loan, Book 2 of The Inheritance Games... A young adult series. I read the first book a few months ago. It was clean and intriguing, part mystery and part puzzle.

The Hawthorne Legacy 

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

 The second book I want to focus on this week is my current Scribd audiobook, Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard and her husband Derick.

 Finally, I'm in Romans this week. I'll probably make it into 1 Corinthians, too. I am listening on

Well, that's it for this week. What are you reading and listening to?

Hope your week is filled with autumny sweet pleasures and plenty of prayer.

Blessed to be a Blessing
Trying to Become More Focused!


  1. I'm so sorry about your car and your needing dental surgery. I've heard of several people hitting deer already this far.

    I used to have a spinning wheel and I loved to spin my own yarn and dye yarn with kool-aid and the microwave! When my back issues started, I kept my wheel for several years before realizing I would never be able to sit at the wheel for any length of time again so I sold it for very cheap to a Mom/Daughter team who both wanted to spin but couldn't afford a wheel. I gave them all of my supplies too. Roving, carding equipment, niddy-noddy, etc. They were thrilled. I miss it, but God has given me my crochet hooks and knitting needles and yarn to play with, so I'm content.
    I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.

  2. We recently replaced a vehicle due to a deer as well. Deer have been really bad this year in our area. I'm reading a crochet book and cookbooks from our library right now.

  3. Hi Laura :) always so lovely to stop by and see how your doing ! First off I'm so glad your husband wasn't injured when he hit a deer, and I pray you'll get another car soon ! The fibre retreat sounded lovely, I could just see you having a wonderful time there ! As for my reading list: I am making my way through 'The Teacher of Warsaw' by Mario Escobar at the moment and I've been a bit glued to You Tube of late with what's going on in the Middle East. There's a lot of prayer required for that region at the moment. Other than that I'm busy in my home and planting out a few things in the vege garden. Blessings to you ~ Linda x

  4. Jills book was very good. As was her sisters book when I read it. And I listened to Bright Shiny People on Amazon prime

  5. I hope you get a new vehicle soon. The weaving retreat sounds fun. I am reading a book by George Macdonald, the first in the Parish Trilogy. It is a novel told in the first person by a vicar, I like it.

  6. Glad only the car was hurt. Hoping you can get all the insurance details settled soon. They can be aggravating. Enjoy your extra time at home:) And glad you were able to get your tooth issue fixed, too. God is so good to us! Enjoy your reading!!


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor