Wednesday, December 13, 2023

I've Been Doing This for 16 Years!

   I cannot believe it. It's been sixteen years since I wrote my first blog post. When I started, I had four children at home. Now, they're grown, they've flown the nest, and my Amy has added a husband and son to our little family. Much has changed, but I still love my husband, Lowell, my savior Jesus Christ, my family, and life in our little town. Just for fun, I'm including a copy of my first post dated December 13, 2007. 

Dear Reader,

I’m so happy to spend a few moments with you as this old year is preparing to change to the new.  Change can be an uncomfortable thing, but it’s often a good thing.  I love the assurance of knowing that GOD works all things together for those who love HIM who are called acording to HIS purpose.

This blog is one of those changes for me.  I’ve read blogs for years, but I’ve never had the courage to write myself.  Well, I plan to change that with the LORD’s help.  I hope you’ll visit me often as I build my little blog home.  I have many interests, as I’m sure you do:  Christian living, frugal living, cooking, writing, raising children, discipline-theirs and mine, loving my husband, caring for my home, scrapbooking, sewing.  Oh, the list goes on and on.  Won’t you join me as I begin my blogging journey?

Happy at Home,



  1. Awww- look how little your children were ❤️
    I haven’t been reading you all 16 years but I’ve been around for a long time and I’m glad your blogging

  2. That's great! I'm so glad you decided to continue blogging since I've just found you! Life does indeed change in 16 years doesn't it? My family certainly has. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Lots of changes there, but continuity too. The real stuff of life. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas. X


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane