Sunday, April 28, 2024

My Spring Reading List 2024 ~ Harvest Lane Cottage

Update April 28th
Hello everyone! I've been reading and listening to a lot of books. See the list I've added on the bottom. I don't think I'm going to get everything read by the end of May. We shall see!

Happy Spring!

  I've written this post to replace my earlier winter and spring list. I had to remove some books, because I found they were not the kind of thing I want to read. I've also added some books.


I've been reading and hearing for some that winter still has a hold in parts of the United States. It's really fighting to keep a hold on Southern Missouri.  We had to cover our Hostas, Marigolds, lettuce and spinach last night. It got down into the twenties. I'm trusting that spring will win. We'll be down in the low thirties again tonight. I'm trusting that spring will win, but in the meantime....


 It's the ideal time to open a nonfiction book and learn a new skill, a bit of history, or how something is done. It's also an excellent time to slow down a bit while the world goes whirling by and slip into the land of make believe for a little bit. I have to admit that's my favorite kind of reading.


  You can read in the car (but not if you're driving—unless it's an audiobook), read while waiting for appointments, read while waiting for your kids to get out of lessons, read on your lunch break, read while relaxing in a comfy chair; or, if your hands are busy like mine often are, you can listen to audio books. I listen to at least two or three audio books on Everand each month. I've also found free books on YouTube and the Libby app. Interlibrary loan is my friend, too!

  My point is, if you really want to read, you can make time even if it's only a few minutes. Snatch those moments for you!


Here are some books that I plan to read:

Michael's Gentle Wife 
by my friend Karen Andreola

Hanged by a Thread
ACF Bookens
~ Finished~
I cannot recommend this title. 

Writing the Cozy Mystery
Nancy J. Cohen

Walk It Out
Tricia Goyer

English Standard Version
Update 4/3: I'm in First Samuel.

What Happened at the Cross
by Billy Graham
*This one was excellent. I highly recommend it.

 In addition, I also read:
The Adventures of Danny Meadowmouse by Thornton Burgess
Steeped in Evil, A Tea Shop Mystery by Laura Childs
Hunting the Witness by Kate Angelo
Seams Like Murder, A Sewing Studio Mystery by Dorothy Howell
The Case of the Left-Handed Lady by Nancy Springer
The Adventure of the Cardboard Box by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
When Bad Things Happen to Good Knitters by Marion Edmonds
Chosen by Ted Dekker
Yarned and Dangerous by Sadie Hartwell
Songteller: My Life in Lyrics by Dolly Parton
Lady of Disguise by Melanie Dickerson

Enjoy the now, friends, whatever season is showing where you are. 

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

P.S  As you may know, I really enjoy using Everand. You get ebooks and audio books plus other reading materials, sheet music, and other things for just one low price of $11.99 a month. You don't have to pay per book. It's all included in the one price. It's the best money I've spent this year!

If you use my link, you'll get a 2 month free trial of Everand, formerly Scribd, and I will get a free month as well. I'm not an affiliate, it's just a neat perk that they have for their subscribers who tell their friends. I've earned 15 free months just sharing how much I love their service! You can too.

Find me online here:

Goodreads:  Laura Lane 
2024 I have finished 41 books of my 60 book goal.
Ravelry:  HarvestLaneLaura
Facebook:  Harvest Lane Cottage  
Mailing address available by email for snail mail lovers like me!


  1. I'm reading a book that my Mom passed on to me. Like you some books are not books I enjoy reading, and romance books are not my favorite. I'm going to push thru it, but reading a non-fiction book sounds fun too. I have a lot of books on grammar, writing, and anything to do with writing. I get some pages read, while in the kitchen, waiting on the oven, or bacon cooking or anything that takes a bit of time. We woke up to a frost this morning, but the sun is shining.

  2. That reminds me I need to post my spring reading list. Enjoy your books. I didn't know Scribd had been rebranded. Its a great resource for reading materials.

  3. Oh and I signed up for a free trial. Mine was only 30 day free trial which I'm guessing since I'm a former customer I only got 30 days. Anywsy, I'm looking forward to binge reading. Your books look interesting.

  4. Hi Laura, just stopping by :) I understand what you mean about needing to enter a make believe land for a while and books are so great for that. I'm very caught up with the current woes in the world and going into my garden helps me feel close to God again and feel close to Him. I have a lovely picture in my mind of you sitting knitting with your cat close by and your laughing while enjoying listening to your story. It's a joy to visit here. ~ Linda x p.s. I've sadly neglected my blog for nearly a year - yikes.


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor