Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Thrifty Things Lately ~ April 3, 2023


Welcome to another thrifty week at Harvest Lane Cottage. I am glad you've found me! Each week I share my thrifty and frugal projects, ways of saving money, and my blessings from God. 

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage
We lived in this little house that God provided for us during some extra lean times for nearly ten years. I have fond memories of using it up, wearing it out, making it do, or doing without. It's a lifestyle that works well today, too.
I am so glad you dropped in for a visit today—or tonight!
Do say hello!
Dear Reader,

     I hope you're enjoying this transition period between winter and spring. It's definitely spring here in southern Missouri, but I know some of you have snow on the ground!
     I had spring break last week. I enjoyed a week of catching up with friends and a couple of lunches out. It wasn't the thriftiest of weeks. I did a bit more this week. I also added to our income by subbing twice at the junior high. I've already got jobs lined up for next week. 
     I think I'm going to keep a written list of thrifty ideas and a second list of thrifty things I've done. I think that will help me fill more of my moments with useful activities. I do hope that you will share some of your favorite thrifty and frugal things in the comments. I'd like to build this into a community to help each other. 
A Verse for You
"Be joyful in hope, 
patient in affliction, 
faithful in prayer." 
Romans 12:12 NKJV

Here's my thrifty week!

Last week:
  • I went to lunch with my friend, Sarah, last week. You may know her from her blog, Classical Homemaking, or her YouTube channel, Belle's Library. We've known each other for many years, and we had fun catching up. The thrifty part was that I ordered fajitas (healthiest thing I could find on the lunch menu), ate half, and brought the other half home. Hubby and I ate the leftovers for lunch the next day. Essentially, we got three meals for $9.99. Not bad. You've got to help me save money, Sarah, and go to lunch with me again! LOL 
  • I went to lunch with my friend, Sherry, over spring break also. She sweetly surprised me by buying my lunch. We never have enough time to catch up. Thank you Sherry! Let's LaSh again soon!
  • Thrift shopping with my Emily in Kansas City was fun. I found a purse for $6, note cards for $.50, and a basket for $4. Emily surprised me by paying for all of it! Thanks Emily!

This past week:
  • I've been knitting socks with Christmas gift yarn. 
  • I'm binding the quilt that I've been working on since before my cancer diagnosis in 2017. The top was made by my husband's grandma. I hand quilted it. I'm using white extra wide seam binding. I already had one package, and I have three more on order. It will cost me about $6 out of pocket. 
  • I mended an old towel again. I had to cut it down a bit, then I zigzagged the edges. I hope to get another year's use out of it. I've had it a lot of years. I want every bit of life out of it that I can get. I may end up cutting it into dishcloth size pieces if it is too short. 
  • I'm using the free version of Duolingo to learn Spanish.
  • I borrowed 2 books from the library.
  • I borrowed an audiobook from the library using the free Libby app.
  • I used plain white note paper that I've had from who knows where to write a bit longer note than would fit in a card to a friend.
  • I bought chicken legs on sale to freeze. They ended up as chicken and dumplings for a frugal Easter dinner instead.
  • My husband bought $60 worth of hamburger, chicken, and pork on sale for $35 at the butcher in the town over.
  • We used absolutely all of the toothpaste in the tube.
  • I reused jars.
  • I made homemade Greek salad dressing.

Well, that's my thrifty week. 
What are you doing in your home this week?


  1. I enjoyed reading about your thrifty ways this week. Unfortunately, I don't think I have been extra thrifty this week. Except for the fact that I didn't go shopping at all except for today when I picked up a gift card for my daughter. She had to work today and had to deliver a gift card to the school tomorrow for thank you baskets for the teachers. I was in and out of Target lickety split. Number one, I don't care for Target and number two, I detest shopping!
    Have a wonderful week my friend.

    1. We all have our thrifty and not so thrifty weeks. Any time you don't spend money, that's thrifty!

  2. Sounds like a great week to me. I love those little lunches out with friends - they are priceless. Sometimes the simplest things are the best.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. You are so right Cheryl. I enjoy my blog friends, but my in person friends are a treasure.

  3. I love your thrifty week posts. So in the past week or so I've borrowed a couple of books from the library one of which is When Calls the Heart by Jannette Oke. I probably spelled her name wrong. Had no idea the tv show was based on a book. I used a gift certificate to buy Mexican takeout on Tuesday for my family. I'm using your code for reading books on Everand. I got a free purse when my daughters women's Bible study had a purse exchange. I limited myself to one. 😁My daughters and I made homemade hand sanitizer, lip balm and bath bombs for free at our church ladies craft night because were were helpers. That's about it for now. Have a blessed week. Oh and I forgot to mention. I found out April is Christian Book Month so I have a stack of books I hope to read this month.

    1. What a busy week! Thrifty, too. I didn't know about Christian book month. That's good to know.

  4. What a great thrifty month...and some nice afternoon lunches with friends!! Nice:) thanks for sharing as it really does give some good ideas!

    1. You're welcome, Jennifer. I find that if I take the time to write things down, I'm a little more intentional. So... I plan to keep doing it, even on the not-so-thrifty weeks.

  5. Hello, lovely friend! You are so very creative. So glad you had some nice lunch dates with your friends. And how smart to save half for home! And I am the queen of toothpaste tubes! You have no idea! Ask my kids. LOL Have a cozy evening!


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!