I read Michael's Gentle Wife slowly and savored it. Within a chapter or two, I felt like I was visiting dear friends when I opened the pages. The Weavers live just outside a little town called Appleton. Friends and neighbors play a central part in their lives as does the church.
They live in Blackberry Inn which they run with a widow named Emma who is the perfect grandma figure for the three young children. Guests come and go and add to the storyline.
Chapter after chapter we witness a family who truly loves the LORD and is seeking to serve him and honor him. It was a calming, relaxing read. The scenes brought back happy memories of my youth. The way the gospel and discipleship were woven in gave meaning and purpose to the novel.
Supper was be a bit late tonight. I just had to keep reading! I just finished the last page. Mrs. Andreola left me laughing and happy.
I highly recommend this true love novel.
Be blessed!
P.S. Mr. and Mrs. Andreola are the couple who brought Charlotte Mason's writings and methods to the United States.
Karen's Charlotte Mason Website
I do not think I have ever heard of this author...or this book but I would love to be able to find it. I will check my library but I don't hold out much hope there. Thanks for the review. Hope you are doing well -