Friday, January 10, 2025

Laura Lately... Back to School! Finally!


    Some of you know that I was having some knee trouble that kept me from working in November. Then came December, and there just weren't many jobs. I only worked 3 days between the two months. Finally, after a long break (which I did enjoy), I went back to work yesterday. It felt good to be back in the classroom. Yesterday, I was at the high school. It was a study skills class; so, it was an easy day for me. That makes up for some of the really hard days I have sometimes ~wink~. 

    I'm not one who enjoys change. That's interesting since my vocation involves frequent change. I'm learning to flow with it. This is year four of substituting. I began in December three years ago. I've found my sweet spot in junior high and high school. I have spent a lot of time subbing in special ed classes. I find that is a good fit in that I can be patient and work with fewer children at once. It does, however, sometimes take a lot physically. So, I'm picky about my assignments. 

    I've been doing a fair bit of knitting lately. Once again, I am reiterating to myself that I am Knitting for Joy in 2025. Do you knit or crochet? Would you like me to share more about my needlework?

    Now, it's time to go and make a pan of cornbread. I've had navy beans simmering all day with a smoked ham hock. Yummy! There's just something about the down home goodness of beans and cornbread. 

    Have a wonderful weekend! Do tell me what you've been up to and what you'd like me to write about this year.



Follow me on Instagram: @lauraofharvestlane 





  1. Hooray for getting back to work. I wasn't sure they were ever planning to reopen our public schools. But everyone went back today. Kudos to you for subbing and helping in the special ed classes. I know those can be challenging at times and hard to find teachers/subs for...I know your willingness to take those classses is a blessing. Glad that your knee is feeling better. I did not realize you were down/out for a month. Have a great weekend ahead!

  2. Hello Laura, your knitting is lovely, I don't know how to knit or crochet but would love to learn. BLessings to your new year!

  3. I'm glad you're beginning to get some teaching jobs again. I know you said you can use the money. Your fingerless mitts are very pretty. I always enjoy seeing the projects others are making an hearing about their lives. I enjoy reading whatever you enjoy writing.

  4. Oh you look so happy! I just made a new recipe with a ham bone using black eyed peas, but I have a ham hock I want to use for (like you) soup beans and corn bread. I crochet and knit, but am limited with knowledge on knitting. I have only made knitted dishcloths, but socks are on my bucket list. I have gained many pattern ideas from other blogs, so please post your beautiful projects too.

  5. Hope you take pepper spray to school with you, just in case.

  6. Hello! What a blessing you are to all the students you have! I was thinking just the other day that I am truly nearing the end of my teacher years. I began as an assistant in a Child Development Center in college in 1990. Then teaching second grade for 5 years. Then I had my first baby and spend many years with them at home, teaching and loving! Then we began homeschooling, and I have done that for twelve years! Flynn is currently in ninth grade so I have a few short years left. Makes me emotional thinking about it. Have a cozy day, my friend.

  7. I am glad you are back at school. Bless you for substituting. I have so many friend who have walked away in the last few years for so many reasons. Glad your knee is better.

    Beans are just the best for warming a home and our bellies.

  8. Hi Laura, As a retired special needs teacher of mostly junior high kids, I applaud you taking on substitute teaching there. I too enjoyed the smaller numbers and the fact I got to stay with the same kids for a couple of years. I wish you were nearby to show me how to cast on those mitts/gloves...yours look cozy and what a great hobby too.

  9. It must be rewarding to find your sweet spot in junior high and high school, especially when working with special ed classes. Knitting sounds like a wonderful way to find joy and relaxation. I just don't have the patience for that. Ugh. This should be helpful for today's weather.

  10. You're writing style is cozy. I would love to know more about your needlework. You're a great sub! I'm glad you found something you enjoy.

    1. What a lovely compliment! I will just have to start sharing what's on my needles. Blessings, Laura


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane