Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today’s the Day and Memories of 17.

Today’s the day! My oldest is 17. That just doesn’t compute in my little old brain. I think of myself at 17. I was crazy in love with my husband-to-be. I was starting college. I was going to be a professional. I just didn’t know what!

I never in a million years would have believed that I would marry my high school sweetheart (in Oklahoma City) , move to a small town, have four, count them, four children, homeschool, be my husband’s help meet, learn to be as thrifty and frugal as I can, and long for country life! Nope! Never would I have believed it! I’d have looked at you like you were nuts and run!

I remember going through premarital counseling with my honey. The pastor asked if we were going to have children. We looked at each other. We hadn’t even thought about kids. So, we said maybe one or two. (We later became confirmed one child parents; but that’s another story!) Next, Pastor asked us if I was planning to work (teaching) after we had children. I said yes. He said, “What could be more important than teaching your own children?” I just stared at him! Little was I to know that this man, with four children, had just prophesied over my life!!!!!!

Well, all that’s HIStory now. God is perfectly able to change our hearts and change our lives when we ask for HIS perfect will!
Well, I must get busy and help my 17 year old have a happy birthday.
God bless & have a terrific weekend!

Happy at Home

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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor