Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Thank God... Day 18

I thank God for the many ways He's taken care of us.

Last year, at this time, my husband was out of work. It was a long unemployment, about nine months. God miraculously provided for us in many ways during that time. After he'd only worked for three months for his previous employer, the owner decided to pay him for an additional three months. Miraculous! Then, he was able to get unemployment benefits even though the person he talked to at the office told him he probably wasn't eligible. Then, our tax refund came just in time. 

We were able to buy a second van for $750 so that Lowell would have dependable transportation for work. Then, Lowell's brother came and worked on both vans to get them in running order. Then, the economic stimulus check arrived. Food stamps were available to us in varying amounts during this time. A local ministry helped us to get food, clothing, shoes and a pair of pants or a dress for our kids when school started. They also helped with some school supplies. 

My dad showed up with coolers full of meat and boxes of food, not even knowing the extent of our circumstances. Friends donated items to us when I decided to declutter and have what ended up being a total of three yard sales. I have been able to do some freelance transcribing, some sewing and crocheting to order, and have sold a few things in my on-line shop, Harvest Lane Cottage

We were able to help sell our friends' van and they graciously gave us some school books we needed and some money to help get tires for my van. I've sold a bit on ebay. We picked up black walnuts to sell. Two kind ladies allowed us to pick apples and pears in their yards. Recently, our church gave us a check to help buy some gifts for our kids for Christmas. 

God has been very good to us. 

Lowell has been back to work for a few months now. We're still trying to catch up on bills; but God is so good. I realize that I really need to have faith for a miracle to get all of our bills caught up and then paid off.

I thank God not only for the provision that He has given, but also for the faith that He has created in me. I know that "we're gonna be alright," even if things are not alright. It's gonna be alright because He is alright; and, He is our strong tower. The righteous run into that strong tower; and, we are safe. 

If you're reading this, and you've had a hand in blessing and caring for us this year, thank you from the bottom of my heart. God will give you your reward for your mercy and kindness.

Thank you Jesus!
Blessed Beyond the Stress

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Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor