Sunday, July 19, 2009

Strawberries and Parachutes

Who can beat homemade biscuits with homemade strawberry jam?
My Friend Beth called me and told me they had strawberries at Aldi for $ .69 a pound! I zoomed over and bought a flat. We ate some with homemade whipped cream. I jarred up a quart with sugar to use over cake or ice cream. Then I made up a batch of jam using the Sure Gel cooked recipe. I've got plenty of room in my freezer right now; but, I like to be able to put the jars on the shelf.
I taught Emily to make homemade biscuits using this recipe last year. Now I let her make most of our biscuits. She did so this morning; so, here I am writing about it. ~smile~
I hope you all have a wonderful day. It's been so pretty here. It was a beautiful day to go to yard sales yesterday. We also took an evening drive in the country and ended up following a number of parachute planes to the Show Me Chute Flyers Fly In. It was incredible watching what looked like a fancy go-cart with a propeller and a parachute take off and fly with the grace of a hot air balloon. It stirred in me the desire to fly again. My grandparents had small planes when I was a child. I have a photo of myself standing in the back of Grandpa Frank's airplane when I was barely old enough to stand! I grew up thinking everyone had an airplane. I was sure disappointed to find out it wasn't true. Well, maybe in time! If you're not familiar with these aircraft, click on the link for photos. Then, see if you can find an event in your neck of the woods. They are incredible to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Our Aldi's had them for 99 cents, if they were 69 I'd buy a flat too! I need to make more freezer jam sometime soon.


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This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane