Thursday, November 23, 2023

An Autumn Dream

     Isn't this just dreamy?  I can just imagine the aroma of woodsmoke drifting on the air as Honey steps onto the front porch after a long day at the work...replaced, upon entering, by beef stew simmering on the stove and the house lit with fragrant cinnamon spice candles.  

     After dinner, he'd hear the familiar scritch scratch of my whisk on the bottom of our saucepan as I prepare homemade cocoa to enjoy with big fluffy marshmallows.  He'd settle into a comfortable chair by the fire and open his favorite read aloud -- Little House in the Big Woods.  Ah-- a girl can dream! 

     Some of those things can come true right where we are in our humble little cottage.  Just a little work here and there and I can make this a comfortable and welcoming place for my husband and children.  It's Autumn and time for some cleaning and feathering my nest.

     God bless you all!

Choosing Contentment

Picture credit:  Feathering Your Nest newsletter from Gooseberry Patch.

May I suggest?


  1. Your post is just so sweet! I am always happily smiling here! Have a good weekened! Anne

  2. I am choosing contentment too, Laura! Have a wonderful day...


  3. My husband hinted last week that we have too much stuff, a kind way of hinting for me to clean out clutter. You are right, just a little fixing up what we have, where we are makes a big difference.

  4. That sounds perfect to me!

  5. Your post smells lovely... :)

    And that does sound like a perfect autumn evening.

  6. Sounds wonderful!! What beautiful inspiration. Thank You :) ~April

  7. Such a beautiful mental image! Thank you!

  8. Lovely. It just speaks Fall. I love the photo! The Fabulous
    Fall Linky is open now. Come by and link up!

  9. What a beautiful picture you painted with your words... and the picture. What a great reminder to us to make our home inviting to those we love or welcome in.... and to use the different senses to do it... sight, smell, taste, etc. Thank you for this. :)

  10. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog for a little visit, Laura! We just love autumn around here... everything seems to slow down a bit. Since we live on a dirt road on the ocean, there are a lot of summer cottages on it. Once fall comes around, they are all empty...and it is so quiet and peaceful...I just love my morning walks! Have a lovely day!
    Sweet blessings,

  11. Dear Laura,

    I live on a frontage road near the intersection of two of the busiest highways in these parts. I hear traffic all the time, but thank God, after 5 years, I can hear others talking when I'm outside. ~smile~ My mind has learned to tune out the traffic. It's not my "happily ever after" but my "happily God has provided". We all find more peace when we do what we can with what we have where we are. ~grin~

    Even so, I do live in an area with lots of Maple trees, so we will soon have lots of beautiful color. I rejoice in that beauty.

    Blessings to you,

  12. A beautiful image. Just last night my husband quoted the following lines of a favorite childrens book that his parents read to our children and now we read to our grandchildren, "The Best Nest". The words he quoted were, "I love our house, I love our nest. In ALL the world, our nest is best."
    I never thought that I would be living in a condo, back in Nebraska, after 30 years in Washington State. Even though we both miss our church family and friends there, it's good to be back with our church that we met and married in, and be with family again. And, after 3 homes in the past 2 years, we've bought and settled in our condo that we absolutely love. No yard worries. No snow worries. We can up and leave to travel whenever we want without worrying about an empty house.
    God does indeed know best, even better than we do. Imagine that!
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. This does sound so wonderful Laura! We are getting a winter storm here tomorrow, and we are looking forward to a couple of cozy days at home while the snow flies. God's richest blessings to you!


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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!