Sunday, December 3, 2023

Cozy, Snowy, Warm and Muffins

Photo by Simon Schoepf on Unsplash

"They were cosy and comfortable in their little house made of logs, with the snow drifted around it and the wind crying because it could not get in by the fire."

Laura Ingalls Wilder

   We've had our share of cold days and nights here at the cottage the last few weeks. We're staying warm with blankets, space heaters, hot drinks and warm robes. 
   My husband slept late this morning. We're going to watch church online this morning since we were up rather late with grandbaby last night. Momma and daddy went to dinner then a walk through Bethlehem event. When Lowell came in, I said, "I'm going to finish this blog post and then...." Lowell heard "muffin". We both had a good laugh. Then we laughed and said I should write about "muffin". So, here we go! Just for fun! 5 minutes writing about "muffin".

   We've eaten a lot of muffins in over the years. The first muffins that I had were Jiffy blueberry muffins. They came in a box and made 6 small muffins. As kids, my little brother and I thought that they were the cat's meow!

   When I grew up, we went through a stage where we were trying a low fat diet. That was the thing in the nineties. I've lived long enough now to know that there is always a thing. I tried making some bran muffins that had everything in them that was healthy and not so much that was yummy. Um... pass!

   When the kids were little, I found a recipe in my old Betty Crocker cookbook for French Puffs. They were a plain muffin, rolled in melted butter then rolled in cinnamon and sugar. Oh yum! We still enjoy those. 

   The best muffins were those we served at our restaurant years ago. Miss Peggy came in just to make fresh muffins for us. They were big, full of flavor, and oh so good!


   Well, that was actually fun! I may have to do something like that again soon. Stream of conscience is a great way to get the writing gears moving. 

   Well, I finished the big gift part of my Christmas shopping online this morning. I don't really like to go our shopping anymore, so I asked Amazon for help. They were so glad to oblige!

   I may pick up a few more little things. We'll see. Tomorrow, I turn to sewing gifts. I'll be back to visit with you soon. 

  Won't you say hello? I've missed our time writing to each other. 

   Be blessed, 

P.S. I found the recipe for French Puffs online at the Betty Crocker site. 



  1. Hi Laura! We had our 11 year old granddaughter stay with us for the weekend. We had lots of fun getting pedicures and decorating the tree. I sure enjoy spending time with her.
    Those Jiffy muffins were the first ones I had too. I made them for our little family when our first two kids were little. Yummy good!
    Blessings and love,

    1. Benjamin is 3 months old. I'm looking forward to playing with him.

  2. Good morning, French Puffs are a family favorite here too. Betty Crocker never disappoints, does she?
    I used to bake a double batch on Sunday mornings before church when 5-6 of us were home. I don’t there were ever leftovers
    3 months is such a sweet age.
    We had babies so long and I miss them ❤️

    1. Hello Rhonda,
      Happy Christmas time! It's so good to hear from you. You're right about Betty Crocker. I have several recipes from her old 1980's era book and from her 1960's era Cookie Cookbook that I enjoy. The french puffs were some of the best, and I always had the ingredients on hand.
      I know what you mean about babies. They bring joy in so many ways.
      God bless you dear, come by again soon!

  3. I am not much for going out shopping too much anymore either so I have Amazon help me too.

    1. Hello Miss Ellen,
      It makes things much easier for me. The things I need aren't usually available in my small town. Otherwise, I'd be happy to shop small businesses.

  4. Hello, my lovely friend! Would you believe my kids absolutely LOVE the Jiffy Raspberry Muffins?? I enjoyed your post today, and am so happy you get grandbaby snuggles. Have a cozy afternoon.

    1. Hello Billie Jo, I didn't know there were raspberry. I remember liking the strawberry as well as the blueberry. I've been working down my list today. I'm spending a bit of time on email and my blog, then on to Kringling! I'll be organizing a sewing project today and may get to begin!Blessings,Laura


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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!