Wednesday, August 21, 2013

He Crowns the Humble with Salvation...

Amy Lane Photography

"For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation."
Psalm 149:4
The last few years have humbled me a lot. We've come from being able to go and do and buy much of what we wanted, whether with cash or credit, to going and doing without and buying mostly necessities. It's a hard thing not to be able to take your children to a free zoo day because you cannot put enough gasoline in the car to get there and back. It was our life for a long time.

So many of the things that people are worried about losing because of the economy, we've already, good credit. It started with a boss who decided that my husband's pay should be cut in half and he should work twice as hard. It continued with a business that we started using our house as collateral. Don't do that. It's stupid. Why didn't we see that? The business failed, we lost all that we had of monetary value about two years ago. And it was two weeks until Christmas. It was all very humbling.

BUT GOD saved us. I believe salvation is more than just salvation from hell. It's salvation from ourselves and salvation in our circumstances as well. That probably sounds like it's some doctrinal thing; but it's not. I just believe that He is our ever present help in trouble. He calls Himself I AM. I believe He's saying, "I AM everything you need." He never took us out of our terrible circumstances. He still hasn't; BUT GOD has helped us through them.

He sent an old friend to the door with a Christmas card for us. Enclosed was a check for $1000 from a group of old friends we used to go to church with in another town. ~Wow~ So, we prayed. What do we do with this? Two days later, a friend wasn't feeling well, but felt like she had to go to Bible study. She told the group that we were looking for a vehicle because we had no vehicle and would have no home in a couple of weeks. One of the ladies had an old van. She wanted $1000 for it. We bought it the next day! Thank you God!

We have four children and a little dog. We couldn't find a place to live because no one wanted to rent to someone with four children, a dog, and ruined credit. BUT GOD! Lowell saw an ad and we went to look at a house. It was for sale by owner; but, God worked it out so that the man chose to rent it just a day or two before we looked at it! Two hundred dollar deposit, and we got to keep the children and the dog, too! HE's so GOOD!

Originally published 10/18/2008

God has indeed blessed us through it all.  We have a warm home in the country now, and Lowell has steady employment with the best of employers, God Himself, in ministry.  The children are thankful and hopeful.  We've learned to work together and to use it up, wear it out, make it do, and do without.  GOD is so GOOD to us! So good to us! 

Through it all, God has saved us.  He's kept us safe, he's preserved our family.  Praise God!
Thank you God!
Dear ones,  trust God.  Trust God when you don't know why.  Trust God when you can't see the next step.  He'll guide you.  He'll love you.  If you trust Him for salvation, He will save you.

Crowned with Salvation
May I suggest...


  1. What a beautiful, beautiful and encouraging post. Thank you so much. It has really blessed me.

    Merry Christmas

  2. This is such an encouraging post and I pray that it blesses many people! We were in a very similar situation, and for a very long time it seemed. God humbled us as well, and He really taught us patience. I truly believe it had to take as long as it did and with the challenges it included. He never failed us, not once, and revealed to us His perfect plan in His perfect timing!

    Bless you sister,


  3. you made me tear up. I knew you had been through some trials, Laura, but I had no idea it had been like that. Know I am praying for you, praising God for a change in your circumstances, and was greatly encouraged by your post. Many blessings to you and your family in the year 2013!

  4. Good afternoon~

    What a beautiful and encouraging post. You will be in my prayers!


  5. Hi "Goose Hill Farm",

    I just came from your blog, love your header. I'm going to look around some more. I now know your hubby and kids' nicknames, but I didn't see your name anywhere. What do you like to be called? I feel funny calling you "Goose Hill Farm". ~smile~

    Thank you so much for your prayers. May God bless you richly from His abundance and His Grace this week,


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane