Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My Daybook July 21, 2015

Read other daybooks.
 My Daybook
July 21, 2015
I enjoy this view from my computer desk.
Outside my window... Dark blue gray clouds. It's supposed to be rainy and stormy this afternoon. We shall see.

I am thinking... about cutting out my new dress. I started last night, but found that the amount of fabric called for was inadequate. It's going to be quite a puzzle making all the pieces fit. I don't know if I can get more fabric, so I'm going to keep puzzling it out.

I am thankful that... I am a blessed woman. I have food in my kitchen, clothes in the closets and laundry pile (not feeling so blessed about the laundry ~grin~), a van that works hard and carts our family wherever they need to go, a home that keeps us safe, and three air conditioners.

From the kitchen... After being on the go all last week, I've got to inventory and see what I can make this week. School expenses are coming up, so I'd like to keep grocery expenses down if I can.

I am wearing... comfy clothes.

I am creating... a new dress. Women's Panel Dress from Common Sense Patterns

I am going... to take my son to the dentist.

I am reading... several books including Trim Healthy Mama.

I am hoping... to be more organized this year. I'm going to try to use my Well Planned Day Planner better! Click the link and check out the giveaway ending 7/26.

I am hearing... water running in the bathroom, the hum of the fridge. I've been listening to the Dolly Parton station on Pandora this morning, but I haven't heard her sing yet. It's got lots of country oldies. I made an Olivia Newton-John station last week and found myself lost in the '70's and '80's memories of my childhood. Aw, piano practice just started!

Around the house... everyone getting ready for what they need to do today.

One of my favorite things...  my Kindle Touch. I don't think they sell them anymore. I believe they were replaced with the Paperwhite.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week... work, school records and plans, cut out my dress, maybe paint the hallway ceiling, catch up laundry, and driving.  ~grin~ 

My Picture Thought.... 
Waiting for Christmas
Now go check out the other Day Book entries at our hostess Peggy's blog, The Simple Woman.

God bless!



  1. I really need to break out my sewing machine! I've been so consumed with reading and knitting this year that I haven't spent any time sewing. We had some much needed rain Sunday evening but I don't see anything on the radar for today in Central Missouri... If it rains a little every other day I would be so happy. No watering the garden would be needed. :)
    Hope you have a blessed week Laura!

  2. I love a good storm! Although I think I am about rained out. :) There has been tons of rain in Central Indiana. Thankfull that it looks like sunshine for the next few days.

    Sounds like you have a productive week planned. Enjoy!

  3. I was not wearing my glasses when I started reading your post today. I misread the first book title as "The Ample Woman" and thought ,"Well that is something that could have been written for me"

  4. Thanks for the sweet post. It is always interesting to read about our life and what is going on. :) God bless you, sweet friend.

  5. You made me laugh, Anne. I'll be over to your kitchen in a few minutes. ~smiles~

  6. i always enjoy these daybooks, especially when i am new to someone's blog. lots of great getting to know you stuff!!!

  7. Hi Debbie,
    It sure shows what's real doesn't it? Someone left me a comment the other day about being a great Proverbs 31 woman. I don't try to make myself look great. I looked around and saw laundry and messes. I knew I had to buy pizza for supper the other night.

    I'm just real like my readers.
    I used to feel so intimidated by the ones who seem to have it all together.
    Years have shown me that none of us have everything all together.


  8. So glad to have found your blog! Do you have any posts that show the pages of that planner? I've heard much about it and have always wondered!

  9. As always Laura, a frugal and well thought out week. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. You're welcome, Jann. Can you believe July's nearly over?


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane