Friday, August 28, 2015

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #44

Good day dear reader,
   I hope today finds you happy and content. God is yet good no matter what our circumstances. Ours have been lean for a couple of weeks. It gives us great incentive to be thrifty and save money. It's birthday season. That means we have extra expenses that must be absorbed into our grocery budget. We're still paying some medical expenses for our eldest son until he starts getting paychecks from his new job. It will be worth it, and he'll pay us back. It's just tight until then.

  Meals have been...shall we say creative? Filling but unusual? It's all part of using up what we have on hand. This quote from Teddy Roosevelt has served our family well over the years.

Here are some of the thrifty and frugal things we've done this week....

~ We rented a movie on Sunday for $.75 at our local video store. It's their Sunday special.
~ Leftovers for supper Sunday
~ I planned a potluck dinner for Saturday night.
~ I reviewed a book that I received for free from the publisher.
~ I asked a company to review a product for free and my request was accepted.
~ I stayed home all day Monday. Less gas used!
~ Cornbread for breakfast
~ Using up odds and ends of food
~ Decorated for birthdays with items bought at yard sales
~ Wrapped gifts with items bought at yard sales
~ Began using a DVD set that I received for review.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend and a frugal week!


  1. I love the TR quote. I am writing it down to refer to as needed. It is right up there with the use it up quote.

  2. I know these kinds of times are hard to plow through, but later, looking back, I find that they create some of our sweetest family memories. God is so good, as you said, and it is very exciting to sit back and watch Him provide in such creative, unexpected ways! Thank you for sharing your heart here...praying for you today!

  3. I like to hear about your thrifty ideas. It gives me incentive too.

  4. I like to hear about your thrifty ideas. It gives me incentive too.

  5. Cornbread for breakfast?
    My husband would love to have some with milk in a bowl!

    We made pancakes this past week with mix we already had, no butter, just a no stick electric skillet and low heat. We mixed in a few freezer blue berries and strawberries in others, and a tiny sprinkle of mini choco chips. They were more dry minus the butter, but very good, we have stretched them to 3 breakfast days since last week. I put wax paper between them, then stored on a tray wrapped, and placed in a zip lock bag. We have enough left for one more meal. So 4 meals from one cooking session. Using no butter, we made smaller portions so they would not stick, but there was still plenty to feed us.

  6. filling but unusual, is part of the end of the month menu here in the UK as well , ive just made a vat in the slow cooker , main ingredients, Soya meat chunks , half a tin of spinach lots of lentils , tin of butter beans , tin of carrots , barbecue sauce , other ends of bottles and sauces , fondly known as month end stew , filling but not something youd find on a recipe site .

  7. It's one I live by during hard times Sandy. It reminds me of when God asked Moses, "What do you have in your hand?"

  8. I know what you mean, Cheryl. I remember times from several years ago that were very hard. Funny, I only seem to think of the good memories now.

  9. I find the same when I read what others are doing, Shirley. What have you been up to?

  10. Laura,
    God is so awesome, He does make our food/gas/ and all other things that we need.
    stretch. Praying for you and family as you use your frugal ways.
    My family and I have had those times also.
    amazing what dinners we can come up with, when necessary..ha
    Congrats to your son on his new job.
    thanks for all the encouragement we receive from you. Hugs, Judy

  11. Thank you so much Judy. I do appreciate the prayers. God is good and faithful. May we be faithful to him as well in all we do.

    I know I need to learn new ways to be frugal and stretch things. Then I need to be diligent to do them!

  12. Good takes up nearly all our spendable income, Jann. That's one reason I enjoy the lovely things you share on your blog. They inspire me to do what I can with what I've got. My daughter's been bringing in wild flowers all summer. I've enjoyed the beauty God's given us.

    Blessings to you my friend!

  13. You did well, Annie. It's all about looking at what we DO have to work with.

  14. Extra expenses to put a kink in things don't they Laura? You always manage to handle it well with your thrifty ways. Hubby and I eat leftovers often. Love the quote! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Hi Jann, I love it when I have leftovers to makeover. ~smile~


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane