Friday, July 8, 2016

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #71

Welcome to another thrifty week at Harvest Lane Cottage. I am honored by your visit.  Each week I share my thrifty and frugal projects, ways of saving money, and my blessings from God. 

I am so glad you dropped in for a visit today—or tonight!

Hello again! 

It's been a rather challenging week here at the cottage. You may have read last week that my old van has been declared irreparable. It had about 240,000 miles on it—most of which I've put on in the last four years. It's served me well. I prayed over it regularly, and God kept it going longer than the mechanic expected. Now to wait and pray for a replacement.

As you can imagine, it's been a different kind of week here. Fortunately, my son started his full-time summer job, and my Emily is away at camp this month, so I don't have nearly so many places to go as usual. It's been good to be home, but it's an adjustment. 

God knows I need a vehicle before school starts so that Emily will be able to get to her college classes. I'll just have to see what He does.

I love it when y'all leave comments, so I can meet you and see your blogs, too.

Here's my thrifty week:

  • Saturday morning I chopped up some little smokies that my dad gave me and an onion and sauteed them. I then mixed them with scrambled eggs and a little leftover shredded cheddar. Yum!
  • Sunday at church a dear family friend gave his old truck to my Michael! Now he has a way to get to work. Praise God! 
  • We ate bean burritos for Sunday lunch. Here's my refried bean recipe. If you don't want to go to the trouble to make beans from scratch, you could try my black bean quickie burritos. Just scroll down, they're in my Thrifty Week #8 post.
  • We ate leftover burritos Tuesday.
  • PBJ for a couple of lunches.
  • My washer broke, so I've been washing 2 loads of laundry per day by hand. Then my daughter puts them in the washer for the spin cycle. It's a great blessing that it still works. I find it takes me about an hour to wash one load of clothes by hand. Two hours a day is a lot, but I don't really have money for the laundromat right now. I'm praying God will make a way to have a working washing machine. In the meantime, the ache in my arm muscles is proof of a good workout. ~grin~
  • I made a list called God Help. I'm going to pray over the list. I need God to fix these nineteen problems that I cannot. Yep! A working van and a working wash machine are on the list. ~grin~

A Startling Update!
This afternoon, I received a call from a local appliance dealer.
Someone bought and paid for a washing machine for me!
The lady wouldn't tell me who it was, but she gave me a hint.
She said if I do anything online, say thank you.
I talked with my husband, and we think the blog is the only place it was mentioned online. So...


You just can't know how this has touched my heart.
My hands, arms, and back thank you as well!

What are you doing in your home this week?

...doing what I can with what I've got
where I am on a short shoestring budget!

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  1. I am so sorry all this is happening. I hope your prayers are answered in some way. I will keep you in my prayers also.

  2. In the mist of storms your attitude is wonderful! It seems that when it rains it pours, doesn't it. I am praying that you find a solution to your washer and van.

    1. God is faithful Wendi! He has provided a washer!

  3. I just love your attitude, Laura. Been there, done that, and sometimes still doing know friend, we were discussing this last night/early morning and we have come to the conclusion that God is in control...and he only gives us what he knows we can handle. (I know, broken record.)

    Keeping you in prayer sweet friend.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Writing my big long list and praying over it helped to get it out of my head and onto God's shoulders. ~smile~ May God meet your every need in His riches.

  4. I will surely be praying with you on your needs dear.

    1. OH thank you, Michelle! Did you see my update? God inspired someone to buy me a washing machine!
      A Startling Update

  5. So very thankful you are getting a new washer!
    Hope ou get a replacement vehicle as well.
    Hugs and prayers!

    1. Thanks so much for your hugs and prayers, Annie. It means so much. I think we need patience to see what the Lord brings. He offers great deals as well as gifts.

  6. Well Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!! So thankful to hear that the Lord blessed you in this way! You have been so diligent to pinch your pennies, and the Lord just knew you needed this blessing! Hugs to you today dear Laura!

  7. Congrats on the new washer. It can make all the difference.

  8. Wow, what an amazing gift! I love how when we are open about what we are going through, people listen, care, and help. So touching!

    And...haven't I seen you posting on The Prudent Homemaker blog? I love her thrifty posts, just like yours!

    1. Yes, Approaching Food. I do comment at The Prudent Homemaker sometimes. She's got a great blog. You are so sweet to compare my posts to hers. God is good, and He works through people.
      Be blessed!

  9. Wow, what a blessing about the washer!!! Thank you for sharing your answered prayer with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth!

    1. We often share requests, Jes, but sometimes forget to update when answers come. I'm always so happy to read about how God's come through for someone in a difficult time. It's Faith Building 101. ~smile~

      I do enjoy coming by your blog so much. I admit I often read and run. I know commenting takes time for everyone, so I really do appreciate it when someone takes time to talk back, don't you?

      Blessings to you dear lady!

  10. Nineteen needs - that's a lot, but I know that your prayers will be answered.

    What did I do?

    I'm purging - we have so much stuff that we never use. I texted a local antique shop owner and asked if she would buy and old dresser from me. She's coming tomorrow to get it. That equates to a little money & moe space in the garage.

    1. Oh good for you! Every little bit helps. You know how I feel about purging. Real Estate Investment!

      I'm going to start going through books today. It will take time. I need to determine which ones I will use this year for homeschooling my soon to be 15 and 17 year olds. Everything else needs to be packed away, sold, or given away unless I think I might personally want to use it in the next few months. I have so many books, when they are all packed, a third of our household packing is done should we move!


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!