Friday, November 25, 2016

Christmas 2016— Is This Your Year to Stop?

Is this your year?

The year that you will...

  • stop giving meaningless gifts and be freed to enjoy giving from your heart?
  • stop feeling obligated to give and be freed to enjoy giving?
  • stop trying to keep up with friends or family who have more and be freed to enjoy giving on a reasonable, budget friendly level?
  • stop rushing to every activity and party and be freed to enjoy a few select activities that your family enjoys?
  • stop going and stay home and enjoy your children, husband, and friends?
  • stop focusing on stuff and enjoy focusing on the reason—a baby who grew up to be a man who gave his life to give you direct access to God the father, to give you eternal life, and to give you access to peace, hope, and trust through the Holy Spirit.

Make it your year!
This is your life.
Enjoy it!


Refocusing my Priorities

Mommy Mondays


  1. Yes, my friend, praise the dear Lord for freedom from needing to keep up with this aimless, consumeristic society. So thankful Jesus came! Sending you love and hugs today!

  2. Thank you sweet friend....we long ago made the decisions to do all this. Much happier about it as well...we were discussing this yesterday at dinner, my mil every year goes into debt and my husband told her, "Mother, it would really make of us happy (his siblings) if you would just pay your house tax bill!"---which she hasn't...sigh...

    Happy Belated Thanksgiving.

  3. Very good words! All that running and shopping I would think would be why so many people are stressed this time of year.

  4. I agree!!
    We got off the roller coaster of gift giving several years ago, now it is just simple things here and there.
    We enjoy it just as much, smile.

  5. Amen!!!!
    This is wonderful, my friend.
    Every word you wrote is needed.

    1. Hugs to you, too. Thank you for your kindness to me.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane